For revealing to the media to this old man in Philippine Manila Bicutan gulag for not getting (any) kind of treatment for what happened to him in the dirty poisonous environment we were kept in they put me in isolation the exact same place you see in the news article the (exact) same place for almost two months, look at the man laying down naked in the news article next to it is a place only one very small man can lay down where they keep three men, the dimension of that isolation cage is 1,5 meters in width and 1,7 long, for three persons, then you have the toilet next to it where this other man was sleeping you see in the picture, so FOUR men in a cage for not even one man, and that was my punishment for reveling these pictures to the German embassy where this old man was from for him to get the meds he was desperate of, when the German embassy found out they got him the meds but it was at the last stage of this mans life because he wouldnt stay alive for many more weeks if he didnt get the meds, another older Dutch man died because they didnt take him to the hospital and many other older Chinese men one actually took his own life and other Chinese men older men tried suicide but was prevented to kill themselves.
I hold the Philippine president and all his ministers and his military accountable for this, so dont blame me for wishing them the worst life can throw at them, so good for China fuck them up, if you need man power I do it for free, these cruel uncivilized lawless satanic human devil pirates need to pay and pay big time, no forgiveness there not from my side, fuck them all, I hope they all burn alive.

