Harris Makes Her Stance On Gaza War CLEAR In CNN Interview

I'll tell you what made me change my mind with Kamala because I did want to give her a chance not because she is a woman not because she is black or any of that because I dont judge a person over their race gender or creed but over their character, I did very much want to believe Kalama was different somehow a nice person though I knew she is a politician and those I do not have much regards for because lets be honest, 99% of all politicians are up for sale, a congress is like a meat market a high end one you go in and bet on your horse make sure it wins and if it doesnt it goes to the slaughter house, a politician knows this thats why they make sure their pound price is as high as possible so they can get as much out of the mean on their bones for as long as they can thats politicians for you, if you dont believe me ask AIPAC they know how this meat market works others know too and I just found out myself, I am new to this. With the last DNC Kamala showed her real self to us,, not only did she repeat the Zionist propaganda she was ordered to repeat word for word by making it sound like the Palestinians are to blame for everything and poor Israel is just defending itself by committing genocide right out in broad daylight for the whole world to see which Genocide Biden approved here Kamala made it clear she will continue the genocide, this is a clear indication that she is as we have said in the past another genocidal bitch, and I dont cheer for a genocidal bitch, instead I would recommend you all make sure she doesnt get elected and go with Trump for a couple of reasons, if you ask me whom I would like to see elected the bad one who might not be as bad as advertised or the good which is not that good as advertised I would go with the bad that is not that bad ad advertised over the good who is not that good as made to believe because of a simple reason, the bad one who is not that bad have more potential for something good to come out of it than the good that have potential to be bad thats how I look at it because Kamala once again doubled down on the script she was handed over to repeat in her last interview, Kamala will continue Bidens path of genocide in the Holy Land because that women is controlled, she is less knowledgeable of world affairs than Biden is, much less so I would say, she doesnt have a mind of her own and I promise you all if she gets elected you will see or hear less of her just with Biden, they will keep her away from the public like they did with Genocide Biden in other words nothing with regards of the holocaust the Zionist Israelis are committing will change, so why should you reward that kind of behavior, makes no sense, so if I were you I would have voted for the one with potential of doing good over the one who is telling you they will not change anything but let the Zionist Israeli Talmudic genocide continue, so yes dont abstain from voting, cast your vote for Trump, he has more potential than Kamala this much is clear.   
