Hear what’s irritating Trump after watching DNC

What is so dangerous with project 2025 is that here in Europe and other places with wannabe autocrats are taking notice and constructing their own version of Project 2025 too especially here in Europe, and may God forbid if Trump wins this will fuel all these European Project 2025ers to speed up their plans too so it is of utmost importance that the original Project 2025ers in the US to get nowhere with their fascistic plans for humanity because if Trump wins this, this will give boost lunatics like Netanyahu in the Middle East to push the mollas to be forced to respond finally which is on the agenda to start WW3 out of the Middle East, this have been their plans for ages, to set up these two unholy entities in the Holy Land with the Zionists and the Shia mollas which they plan to get on each other and initiate this final war where thereafter they can set in stage in global tyranny, I am telling you folks this is the agenda they have in plans for all of you, so the smartest thing you can do, I know you hate the Dems the Libs and you think this Trump this Zionist will some problems what you dont understand is the fact, Trump is a Zionist before being anything else, Trump is a Zionist get this through your heads, the main plans of the Zionists like Netanyahu is to begin this Final War, is this what you want, how is this going to solve any of your problems I dont get it, what you instead will get are so many other problems which will dwarf all other problems you thought you had you could solve, what I am telling you is with Kamala at least you have bought some time, more time is a good thing not a bad thing with time there is hope, take time away and you have taken hope away too thats a reality right now, I rather go with more time at this point, time is good, Zionism is bad. 
