I am for peaceful civilized demonstrations what I am not for is backward idiots engaging in shit like this, and you wonder why the world hates you and dont support you, who the hell do you think you are coming over to other peoples countries and burning their flags, yesterday you were starving to death you were fighting each other over basically everything under the sun, now that they have opened their doors to you, you burn the flag and insult those who are sheltered you mainly from yourselves, no wonder you morons are always in some kind of trouble in your own lands in other peoples lands everywhere.
I hanged a Palestinian flag on my window and on other places which I now have taken down, because you people are waste of time and efforts, you are just destructive in your nature, its in my view an absolute waste of time taking your side on anything, I am being honest here and I am going to be honest about something else, I didnt do what I do for you, I do it for humanity, this is why I have spend my time and efforts to with Gods help bring this Zionist satanic global conspiracy down, what I have come in terms with is, these Zionists couldnt have come this far if it wasnt for you Palestinians and your neighboring countries including the Shia mollas in these shia countries, so in my view all of you are part of the same problem because neither of you could have existed if it wasnt for the other part, knowing this it doesnt take a scientist to realize, helping either of you is as if you have helped all of you crazies from the Zionists to the phony anti Zionists you all are both same side of the same coin, so in conclusion and this is my view, the way forward the way to deal with this is not to support any of you instead oppose both of you, because who would want to live under people like those you see in this picture, and who would want to see live under the luciferian Zionists in Israel or the Shia mollas of Iran, I sure hell wouldnt, they all are just as bad, so what does this leave the rest of us because I do believe there are many who share what I just said here, in fact I believe we are the majority but as usual the crazies they are the ones who get all the headlines and attention on either side leaving no room for people with common sense, another thing to be honest about is, many times I do wish for some kind of WW3 scenario, because everything these groups I mentioned touch turns into ashes, so perhaps they should disappear with the same ashes all of them because you are a waste of time, you are good for nothing really.
I urge those who share these thoughts to never give up efforts to make people aware of the dangers Zionism poses on humanity but also be fair and tell the rest of the story with these Palestinians and these other groups who are supporting them and shilling for them, I'll ask you again, would you want to live under a Zionist rule, would you want to live under these Palestinians and what they stand for and their rule or the Shia mollas or any other crazies out there, if not then be fair and shill for no one, tell the truth about all of them, do become a hypocrite by covering for one side over the other when you know all of them are full of shit you know they are, this is what I am asking you of, be fair go after them all, because as I said when you know all of them are full of crap, if you shill for one side you have solved nothing, nothing at all you have once again wasted everyones time, so go after them all and if things as it looks like go totally boooom then so be it, you werent behind it, they were, they fucked up not you, as long as you didnt shill for any of them and thats what you need to do, you need to talk about the shitty things all of them are doing, look friend, you will lose audience yes you will but at least you have been a positive force in mist of all this bullshit going on.
I would also legislate laws to kick all of them out if they behaved in this manner burning the flags of countries they were welcomed in like France do, good for France, I mean it others should follow suit, because please I dare you, go to any of these shit hole countries as a foreigner and burn their flags and see what the authorities will do with you if you live long enough to get arrested and these assholes think they can behave like this here.
You know what these people need, a dictator, thats what they need, rule of law democracy being law abiding by your own common sense all that its not in their DNA, they need a whip behind them to move them forward, towards a destination, I am serious folks they need a dictator.  

