‘I made a grave mistake’: Ex-MAGA supporter addresses the DNC

The real question here is, when will CNN admit to the most grave mistake they made by supporting the genocide in the Holy Land by covering for the army of the Pharaoh, they did they best to push the Palestinians into the sea and they still are trying, they were so arrogant to play God by trying to divide the sea with their 150 million dollar barge they built which God sent back to the sea yet after all these signs you still will not open your eyes to see the signs the Lord put right before your eyes to see that there is no way for you to defeat Him or even put obstacles in the way because the future is set, there is no victory for the army of any pharaoh who is so drunk on his arrogant to think he is God, there is only one King on the throne and He is no man, so when will you CNN admit you also made a grave mistake, I am still waiting to hear what you have to say after all this that have happened, who is the shogun of Harlem ? and if you dont give the right answer you can kiss my Converse.
