Iran's response to Israel is coming, with Mohammad Marandi

The only thing I agree with Marandi here is, I dont believe any so called anonymous sources from the IRGC said this or that to Reuters anything because the IRGC they dont do that so I also dont believe that, but thats about all I agree with Marandi here, the other thing he said was, Iran will definitely respond to the Zionist regime militarily because one of their guests were whacked in Iran by their enemies, one thing I need you all to understand, I am sure you heard this one before, there is no honor between thieves, if you knew anything about thieves you know they are the most selfish people there is, everytime a thieve makes a move the thieve calculates if it is beneficial to them or not, if it is they make a move if not they hold back till another opportunity pops up, if the mollas deem there is nothing to gain from responding to the Zionist regime they wont do anything, then we come back to who actually whacked Ismail Haniyeh and who whacked Raisi and who tried just the other month to assassinate Ahmadinejad AGAIN, I personally believe its the same people behind them all because they all have the same enemy, an enemy which roams freely in Iran and pretty much outside Iran, I believe this is an international criminal group, this group wants to start WW3 because they feel they have tried everything and they are at the end everything else they have tried and the only thing left to pull off is a major war, they believe after this last one with WW3 many will be weakened except them then they can take over everything and impose a totalitarian rule over everyone everywhere and I mean everywhere because this international Luciferian group they are actual very powerful and influential, I believe this Luciferian cult have set up everything they need for this scenario its just one thing missing and that is a major false flag with a huge boom so huge of a direct conflict that no one can turn back the clock afterwards but one way forward and that is full out war and distractions, and this Luciferian cult which the Zionists are part of regardless of what you think of your dear leaders if they are Zionists they are part of this group, and make no mistake there are these so called anti Zionist leaders like the mollas which are part of the same Luciferian groups too, these all have their role to play in this deception which many fools and morons are playing into, listen folks let me explain my reasoning around everything that is happening its very easy to understand me so pay attention here.
I am a Believer meaning I do believe there is a Creator all knowing all seeing all wise, I believe this Creator is of such conscience so powerful as He have stated, there is no leaf in the Universe which falls of a tree which He is not aware of, I do believe we are dealing with such a force, keep that in mind because it is very important, the reason I believe in such a force which is the Creator there are many reasons, one reason is because I have seen things with my own eyes, no dispute there, we are NOT alone on this planet, we have extraterrestrial beings which use technology and we have these other interterestial beings, two different types of entities, we humans we are the third type, but we are atom based like the extraterrestrials, one of many reasons I believe there has to be a greater force than these two other beings is this, for some reason both these beings have decided not to openly intervene in our earthly business, why is that you might ask, because it doesnt make sense because with a minimum of two different beings entities persons you will automatically have two different points of view, this is normal people disagree on the slightest things, and now we are talking about only two persons, but in reality we are not just talking about only two persons, we are talking about not only two totally different types of beings or races of beings like the extraterrestrials which I am sure there has to be more than one type observing us but at least a few more types of them then we have the interdimensional too and the only thing these all seems to have in common is one thing and one thing only, for some reason they are not interfering openly in our business, there is only one explanation in my mind why that is, they must be fearing something, otherwise if there are no rules no enforcement of laws both you and I know no one would have abide by any law not a single law, so there has to be something these all fear, someone which is able to enforce laws for all these top abide by it, this Law Enforcer in my view has to be the Creator and those we call engels these highly powerful beings which the Holy Quran I believe in Surah 79 has talked about where God state something like this ' there are those up in the sky above who glide in high speed throughout the Universe which do Our work' something in those lines in Surah 79, here in my opinion and I believe I am right to say, these who glide at high speed throughout the Universe are NOT interdimensional like the Jinns also, the Jinns do not work for God, I also do not believe the extraterrestrials so called work for the Creator too, it has to be someone else, which I believe God is talking about the angels, other type of beings than these two others, so what does this has to do with anything here on Earth you might ask, it has to do with everything, because as I said, there is a force which no one seems to dare mess with here, and this is very important, this means there are laws which must be followed, what are those laws, the laws has to do with us here and what is going on here, things your ruling class will not talk about, none of them dare or want to talk about, things that has to do with our future here and our wellbeing here our prosperity here, things that has to do with you and I, with all of us, so in my view because the ruling elites are hiding this from us they are not looking for the best interest of any of us but themselves, and I believe they have sold us all out, meaning they are not our friends our public servants none of that, what these people believe not correctly so is that, they will find a way out to save themselves everyone but us, its like they are building an ark where you and I are not welcomed in, so they feel they better keep their mouths shut so the secret doesnt come out otherwise we the rest of us will deal with them traitors in a harsh manner which they are trying to prevent at all cost.
Now I will speak directly to all Believers out there because 99% of you have been misguided too and I will tell you why, who were the folks God protected despite all the conspiracies the bad guys tried to pull to have these selected folks whacked in history, the answer is clear, it was the Messengers of God, look at from Prophet Noah, everyone wanted him dead and I am sure they tried their best but the Creator prevented it, its easy for Him, He only have to say be and it is, other people, take Prophet Moses, he went to the most powerful criminal in the world at that time and told him a couple well chosen words pissed the man off and still with his army with his magicians you name it he still couldnt touch him, take Prophet Jesus, he went up against every criminal in his time and told the exact same thing and they still couldnt touch him, well I know my Christian friends say otherwise, but thats not very important here, because Jesus is not dead he is coming back pretty soon, take Prophet Mohammad, he went up against the most powerful criminals in his time and still they coulndt kill him despite all odds, why is that, a Believer would say because they all were protected by someone so powerful who defied all odds, the reason I mention this is simple, the reason the Creator protected these folks was because they were the ones all of us must use as our role models, the path to salvation is being like these men I just talked about, so what kind of people were these selected role models, were they aggressive people, where they tyrannical, were they intolerant towards others, where they bossy, where they cruel, where they hypocrites, where they harsh towards other who were harsh themselves, where they going around telling people what to do or else, or where they not likable, because even their enemies said good things about them, so this I say to you, are you of those who the majority dislike, and I mean over 50% of those who have met you or know of you, if the answer is yes then you have failed, you are not like these selected few role models and this mean you are not the kind of role model people like to be like, so you better go and work on yourself if even 50% of those who know of you dislike you, if you are around I would say 80% likeable of all those who know of you then you can start consider yourself a role model, but I went down to 50% and thats a really low figure, if you seek the job as a role model your approval rating should be higher than 80%, look you can be a Jew a Christian a Muslim a whatever, if a minimum of 50% disapprove of you, you shouldnt even be a public speaker in my view, but cult leaders, look at any of your dear leaders around the world it doesnt matter who that person is, what is their likeable ratings worldwide, lets take Irans Supreme Leader, 90% of his own population strongly disapprove of him let alone like him, and worldwide the numbers are even much lower, so should he be considered a role model in your view, not in my mind that much I can tell you, and the guy is supposed to be a religious leader too, thats even worse, and he is not the only one, it basically goes with all other leaders too, in my view none of them should stand before an audience and speak because not only are they all corrupt to their core, not many likes them either, nobody actually trust them, these leaders manipulated themselves to were they are and you all wonder why the world is in such a mess, I dont its clear in my mind why we are where we are, one has to do with them being traitors and not telling you the truth of why we the sons and daughters of Adam were sent here and what our job here is then you have their own personal corruption too, look all you Believers have heard this before too, the greatest trick Satan pulled on mankind was to stay hidden from our view, to convince us he doesnt exist, and what are all these world leaders and the ruling elite do too, exactly what Satan is doing, to keep the truth hidden from you, they both are doing the exact same thing, committing the same sin, all of them, now are these worthy of your support I ask again ? this is what I was coming to ask of you today, and if you still answer yes you truly are a dummy, I say this again, the path out of this is to be like the old selected role models, study those people and be as close as you can to be like one of them and those of you who come closest will be granted salvation, everyone on its own.
