Islamist attack in Germany: How the 'Islamic State' manages to radicaliz...

I'll tell you how ISIL is recruiting people, the western mainstream media is to blame, absolutely.
I remember at the early stages of the Syrian war where western mainstream media including the Swedish one posting footages of Syrian civilians from children to others dead uncensored on tv, footages even social media would have banned you for, with children blown in pieces with blood all over horrific footages like that and the western mainstream media kept broadcasting these footages to enrage people to get over to Syria and fight Assad, I said already back then the mainstream media is broadcasting these footages to more than enrage people, it was a recruitment program by the western mainstream media, and sure thing it affected people to the point that all these enraged young people got a free range to get over to Syria and fight the Assad regime, back then it seemed as if anything was allowed, nothing these young brainwashed jihadis could do that was wrong so they got all the positive coverage they needed to recruit more and more manpower, soon after these battle hardened young people got a foothold with a ideology that was promoted and they grew in numbers and started to spread all over the world, we even saw Israeli military openly supporting these ISIL jihadis, they got all the support they needed from all fronts, and now you hypocrites at the western mainstream media ask how these ISIL jihadis are able to get more and more recruits ? are you dumb for asking this question or are you playing dumb, either way you are dumb in my eyes, YOU created this monster, and some say you did it to have a boogieman to clamp down on peoples personal freedoms in a sinister totalitarian agenda, today more and more people are coming to this conclusion, either way, YOU are to blame, you created this and your solution is to take our freedom of speech away from people, you are truly evil.   
