Kamala Harris' Crap Spiel On Gaza: How Gullible Do You Have To Be?

The answer to if you can trust her with the genocide going on in Gaza is short and simple, the answer is no you cannot trust her, and I never said you could trust her on this question, one thing is clear now, the same people directing Biden are the ones directing Kamala too, Kamala will continue Bidens policies on Gaza, no doubt there, now the question is, why vote for her then because she wont change anything, therefore I would have voted for Trump in protest instead, yes I would, I wouldnt just sit this one out and not voted at all, I would have voted for Trump, because if someone is going to stab you do me the courtesy and stab me at front instead of in the back, how would anyone feel when you go out to support someone who you know will come from the back and stab you eventually, so I would rather have some tho do not hide his intention I respect a person like that at least, yes I do I am honest about it, at least with Trump he is unpredictable, he might end up not stabbing you at all, I mean there is a small chance he wouldnt while Kamala with her you know Bidens betrayal will continue, if Trump ends up with Bidens policies its not a betrayal, it wouldnt be counted as such because he says what he will do, he also said he might make peace with people somehow, which leaves room for some kind of optimism, so yes I strongly urge you to vote for Trump, look guys you all heard what Hillary said she will do if she got elected, to wage wars, then we got Biden who did just that, caused the death of countless of people and you all know Kamala will follow those instructions as well, so what do we have to lose if you vote for Trump, nothing at all, as I said there is a small chance he wont wage new wars like last time, I say Trump on that matter has a better track record than Hillary Biden and Kamala.

Vote Trump !!!  
