Kamala’s CRINGE Interview On CNN Was A Disaster!

If that how she is going to perform with pre given questions heavily edited interview clip on the state with Trump its gonna top the debate with Trump and Biden, Trump is going to eat her up alive whether she is drunk or not or whatever they put her on, she just doesnt look presidential its clear that she doesnt want to be up there or in public at all, Kamala is a weak candidate she is not made organically to be presidential unless those behind her artificially make her something close to look like one but that would only be a superficial look, like Biden who has been hiding from the day he got in the WH, they are planning a similar arrangement with Kamala too because those around her know what she is made of, just a front face of whatever sinister lurking behind, as I have said at least with Trump you know what you get for your votes, and not least, we are going to have some four years of action with Trump again, damn I miss those times, we had such good action filled times, I am serious guys, lets have Trump elected again, listen my friends, all you activists young people though many of you are no longer considered young except your hearts, you all know Kamala will continue Bidens genocide if not more she wont do shit but make some statements here and there and that will be all you get from her, so nothing changed there, let us support Trump we have nothing to lose but God willing even gain something here, I am sure we can get more with Trump than the uncharismatic Kamala, here is another point I want to make for you who say America is in need of a woman president, I wouldnt mind too, but when some in the mainstream media and their pondents advocate for that what they really mean is, we want someone we can control, because all the strong independent women candidates they never get a chance to even get heard, instead they put forward these mindless women robots like Hillary and Kamala, you know this is true, so keep that in mind, the one you seek is not one of these selected ones, when God willing we see a strong independent minded Amazonian warrior pops up I'll be the first one to support her and let you know, but lets be honest here, Kamala is no Amazonian she is phony bot thats all she is, lets cast our or your votes because I cant vote but you can so when time comes make sure you and everyone you know have heard the truth about her and support Trump instead because again, if you disliked Biden, Kamala is a carbon copy of him.
