Need to Know #52 - Swagger and Secrets (05-10-24)

The balloon like object many have seen in different sizes shining like sun I saw one too outside east coast of the US, the one I saw was huge a couple of hundreds of meters in diameter, I dont know if it was its actual size if it inflated itself to be at that size its impossible for me to say but if it actually was that size then this is significant, a mega size object like that in the sky and I bet its not the only one out there this is a big deal, could it be a mothership an flying object as large as or bigger than an aircraft carrier just hovering like that which can come and go as it pleases without leaving a trace makes one wonder what more is right above our heads, I have seen in videos and pictures much smaller balls of mini suns moving rapidly sort of dancing in the sky and again I couldnt say perhaps these can make themselves look much larger than they are or not I dont know but I have a feeling there are both the large variants and the smaller one, the one I saw was a little big oval shaped not completely spherical one thing is for sure, it was there for me, because I was looking at it for a long time outside my boat, I was staring at it for 10-15 minutes then I had to go inside the boat because I had something on the stove and needed to remove the skillet the run right back, I rack quickly inside the boat for not more than ten seconds when I got back out it was gone then there are other things that happened which I am keeping to myself till my book comes out, and if you ask me I dont think it was a alien drone, I dont think so, but the cylindrical object that done in the Pacific right in front of my boat that one wasnt at all that big, I would say 5-10 meters in length perhaps a meter in diameter or not much more than that, I dont know but I cant imagine it was manned by aliens, could they be at small to fit in that thing again I couldnt tell, that one could have been one of their drones who knows.
My personal understanding why the so called ruling elites are not telling us the truth has to do with a demonic agenda, not that the aliens are demonic, they are atom based however I believe its easier for the corrupt criminals governing the world its much much easier for them to be in contact with demonic forces than the alien ones, I have a feeling the extraterrestrials agenda differs much from the interdimensional, the demonic ones, the demonic ones they want us all dead, their bad guys, the extraterrestrials they dont fear us if they did they would have wiped us all out long time ago the fact that they even havent come out tells me they are here only to observe whats going on with us, while the demonic forces they were here before us and they want us all gone but they cant do much about it instead these demonic forces are forced to corrupt our own human devils to do their dirty work for them, so instead of concentrating all your time and efforts on the UFO topic spend at least half of your time and efforts on things much closer at hand with these devils and human devils which have more or less destroyed the world for us because if you think you will get answers to the UFO subject by these human devils think again, you wont, they wont reveal the truth about any of it until you have dealt with the demonic agenda first, listen I have said this before, I dont think any government have any alien spaceship of any kind in their possession no alien corpses no nothing, all they have I think are photographs some in HQ thats all they got, which proves these aliens are above our skies and very likely among us too, another story here, in Iran some came to me and wanted to pick my brain on what I had to say about this topic of aliens and stuff, first they questioned me on what I knew about physics and stuff and when I gave them correct answers one of them showed me a picture of a flying saucer with very clear good quality picture taken of it, I looked at it sure it looked real, the picture was taken from close range very close I saw all kinds of details of it, my answer was, is it a real picture and the person said yes it was real, I replied, how can I tell if its real and not faked, the person said nothing more and put the picture back in the persons pocket and changed the subject to something else, I still stand by what I said, how can I tell it was not faked it could have been but also not it could have been a real one, for me it doesnt matter if this particular whatever that was is real or not, I have seen similar things myself but one thing is for sure, that person was dead serious about it.
All this flying mini suns in the sky reminds me of what those three shepard kids in the village of Fatima in Portugal saw together with thousands of others, it must have been these exact balls of light we have on picture today, the difference with the Portuguese event was that these mini suns appeared at appointed time for thousands to see it with their own eyes too, and what these balls of light told these three kids which only they could hear and no one else is what I also heard when this big one appeared at sea before me, but I am not gonna tell you what I heard either, maybe I will tell you in my book but dont be so sure, I didnt make any promises to anyone so I can tell or not, it will be up to me if I do or not, what I can tell you is this, if you are interested in perhaps seeing one of these objects for yourself, sail out at sea as far as you can from anyone from land and who knows they will pay you a visit too, good luck but dont be stupid like I was, get a better boat with triple redundancies of everything because out there no one will come to your rescue if may God forbid somethign goes wrong and it always do, I myself I am going to do it again one day, God willing :)
