Need to Know #55 - Imminent (08-16-24)

I am going to tell you why the ruling elites dont want you to know the truth of our reality our story on this planet, because if they told you about our origin story here people would have started to ask following questions and these questions would lead back to who actually is the owner of all the worlds, which we call the Creator, if people knew we were stationed here 7 something thousand years ago and if they knew more of the truth they would know the end is near too, that we are I would say a kind of experiment, to see what this species will do on this zoo of a prison planet, and if people knew this world and all worlds have the same owner a sucha supreme consciousness beyond our understanding all of mankind would have turned to Him for salvation, everyone would have become a Believer which is not in the interest of a certain individual and his human devils, another less of an important reason the ruling elites dont want you to know the truth is because its bad for business, the usury system they have imposed on us to suck us dry of everything we have so they can accumulate all the resources for themselves in hope of finding a way to save themselves while they leave the rest of us behind, why do you think they have such interest in wasting money on space travel and technology, this is because they know the end is near and they want only want to save themselves out of here, look when Elon Musk said if there are aliens he certainty would have known about it, however there is no such thing as aliens according to Musk, you know he us full of shit when he says that, I know at least because I have seen it a couple of times myself, so I myself know he is full of shit, the reasons I gave are some of the few reasons why they ALL are keeping these facts away from you, its not that we would panic, no we wouldnt, what we would do is to question more of our existence here, like when were we stationed here, who built the pyramids, why we were stationed here and when we found out it wasnt that long ago and when we learn we are an experiment NOT a bet between God and Satan, it was never a bet, the Creator made us and Satan whos real name is Eblis questioned his Lord by saying these glorified apes wont be worthy of His love and affection and he questioned his Lord for the second time and Eblis came to pay for his disobedience, thats all it was to it, it wasnt a bet because the Creator who exist outside His creation meaning time and space already know the end of everything nobody can win a bet against Him, Eblis knew it too but he got jealous and became arrogant and paid for his arrogance. I can understand why the Creator does have love and affection for these glorified apes, at least some of them, I will explain this to you, imagine how much you love your pet, your dogs your cats any of your pets, now imagine you have such a smart pet who do everything you ask of it, even to the point that this primitive creature (seemingly) start to worship you, as if you were its creator, what a cool pet right, because you didnt expect this of a primitive being, you would expect this from a much higher being you have created but not a primitive being, its remarkable when you think about it, imagine an ape right now who is so extraordinary who gets the point that someone actually created it and start asking questions start investigating an ape who goes to great lengths to search for the answers he suspect someone created it and gets a little bit of help by instructions sent down to this ape by higher ups studies it because this ape is curious wants to know more what a remarkable age I say, now imagine this ape is your pet woudlnt you have love for it show it affection more than higher beings, most of you already love your dogs and cats more than most human beings and I understand that too, you are already doing it, this is basically the story the ruling elites are hiding from you, they see you as their mules to work for them and give you just so little so you can sustain yourself, they have no love for you, because they are human devils, these people have no ability to show affections towards others, they are like human calculators, what is beneficial only to themselves is their driving force, and these and the rest of us is what the Creator is separating between after our short stay here in this zoo, this is the meaning of our stay here its very simple, the ruling elites dont want me and people like myself to tell you the truth you can take it mambo jambo its up to you but thats how it is, this is the simplified truth of it, a few thousands of years have passed and the Creator is about to pull the plug to the show and my understanding is this, of all these intelligent beings who are observing us which included both the extraterrestrials and interdimensional beings some of them are good some are bad, some dont want us here because we are the late comers here they hate us, they want the whole show for themselves and we are not welcomed my understanding is when the Creator gives the order to end the show, all of these beings will have a free range to get rid of us, so you will have both the demonic forces which are the interdimensional and the extraterrestrials the bad guys of these beings because some of them are good God fearing they will be allowed to end us all here till there wont be one human being left in the zoo, and I believe the ruling elites are fully aware of this hour and they are trying their best to arrange their escape route out of this zoo, thats what they are planning, you might say I am wrong but I am not I am right and I believe the hour is coming to a close.

Now vote for Trump because Kamala is weak and self serving, they all are thats the truth of it one thing is for sure, Kamala will continue as Biden, and that was what made us changing candidate but after the last Kamala show, she showed her real colors, I dont like her anymore, so lets give Trump a chance instead especially now that he has RFK Jr on his ticket.
