Tanker MV Sounion Boarded by Houthi & Demolition Charges Set on Board in...

I cant tell how many times I have stated my dislike of these phony "Islamic" resistance for many reasons, these phony Muslims these backwards sand dwellers are all distaining the legacy the name of Prophet Mohammad which angers me enrages me to a degree which is not good for my health I can tell you, these backward in this case Shia cult followers they are fully aware of what Prophet Mohammad said how a true Muslim should behave in battle in war, the told these idiots they are not even allowed to cut down one single tree in any battle, not to harm nature, he said alot of things but in this case I want to remind these monkeys about Prophet Mohammads statements regarding nature, and look what they are doing, these rats they dont have much agricultural land the sea is the only thing they got left and look what they are doing to it with not only this massive oil spill but countless before it killing everything in the ocean, as if it was no other a better way to handle this, and they wonder why they are starving, I do believe the less of these rats around would actually benefit Islam, these backwards idiots they are harming Islam I do believe that, I believe if all these morons which call themselves Muslims today, the idiot ones that is which is 95% of them, if they all just disappeared overnight, and if there was only one good Muslim left on earth, this seed of one singular good Muslim would have spread the teachings of Prophet Mohammad and the Holy Quran better and faster than 98% of these backward phony Muslims, I do believe that, look I am going to be fully honest about what I am about to say here, if I had changed my faith to anything but Islam I wouldnt be sitting where I am right now, I would have lived in a castle somewhere, my life wouldnt have looked like this, people would have praised me people would have had me on their shoulders done anything I wanted for me if I only had changed my faiti to anything but Islam, this is absolutely true, the reason this is unthinkable for me is because I know the Holy Quran is the words of the Creator, I have studied all other faiths for decades and this is what I have come to, the Holy Quran is the word of God and Prophet Mohammad was His messenger, no doubt about it, but when I see 95% of these Muslims behaving in this way, how do you think it makes me feel, its not a good feeling it makes me sick not good for my health thats for sure but there is no turning back either and change my faith, its an uphill battle which require some help from above because these Muslims are hopeless, I understand the enemy very well too, I see that they are doing so it doesnt make anything easier but hopeful I remain, another thing I want to say to all Believers out there, and by Believers I dont just mean Muslims, a Believer is someone who Believe in the Creator the one and only, this is my advice to you all, when you see in your faith in your sect of whatever you believe in, if your community put of the face the picture of your current leader or any of them who have passed away like the Shias do with the picture of the cursed Khomeini and his Khamenei or whomever, if your denomination put up the picture of any of your leader I suggest you run and run away as far as you can from that following, and dont look back, you are in a cult small or larger doesnt matter just turn around and run away, like if you are a Yemeni, your cult leader is a cult leader, I see that backward moron sitting there with the written text behind on his left side saying, death to the Jews, this statement is a clear indication that this man is not rightly guided, because how can he generalize by saying death to the Jews, if the man doesnt have the intellect the Islamic common knowledge that God have stated in the Holy Quran that there are those of the Book which are good how can then your Houthi cult leader make such a statement in written text contradicting the Holy words of God so directly, the answer to this is, this is what any cults and cult leaders do, again this is a clear indication that he is missguided, another indication is look how he is killing life in the ocean when there are many other ways to deal with captured sea vessels, the thing is in any cults death is all they know, goes for the Zionists too, death and destruction is all they know, sure the Zionists are just better at death and destruction than these Shia cults, and other extremist cults around the world, one thing they all have in common is this with death and destruction, the Zionists as I said are just better at constructing death and destruction so is one now better than the other, no the answer is no, this cult kill in this way the other cult kill in another way, leave anything up to them death and destruction will still be the end result either way, one will just kill and destroy a bit sooner than the other, to the Believers I have another advice, try to be like the selected people of God like your messengers which you all are familiar with, put pay close attention to this, dont concentrate what your messengers said here and there in this book or that book because to be fully frank, we dont know if whats written in those books is actually the words of your messengers, we dont know that for sure this or that messenger actually said those words, I can give you an exemple for my Christian friends, in your New Testament which we have no clue who wrote it, it is written Jesus this Aramaic speaking Hebrew said " I am the Alpha and the Omega" let me ask you, do you really believe Jesus actually used the words alpha and omega ? its a Greek word, you think Jesus this Hebrew spoke Aramaic actually used those words ?? I dont think so, and these two words are not in Aramaic anyway so why is it written in the New Testament that Jesus said these words, the answer to it is that Jesus never did, its fabricated ! the New Testament was written in the Greek language which none of Jesus himself or his disciples spoke, meaning whoever wrote the absolute first text of anything that had to do with Jesus and his disciples were Greeks and not Hebrews, so why do I even mention this, this is because I want to give you an example of, after the pass away of our Messengers those who come after them say a whole lot of things these Messengers said or not which most of it ends up to be incorrect, this goes for the Muslims too and most certainly with the Jews, again why do I say all this, I say this to remind you of we are living in very confusing times right now, and these man written texts have done mankind no good with the confusion it has created, but there is a way out of it which is my advice to you, and it is easy, dont get caught up with what this or that Messenger said or not, again because we know there is a lot of incorrect statements around those texts, and people tend to go with the most fantastical "statements" written these Messengers said, instead of following what they "said" follow what people said about these Messengers, what other people said about them, not what the Messengers said, do you understand the difference ?? pay attention to what people who knew them said (about) these Messengers, and when you have learned how these Messengers were as persons, then copy that, be like how they were, what you have learned about how they were how they behaved how they acted, not what they said because again, most of that they supposedly said is written not by themselves but by others and we know many of these statements are fabricated., and when you have learned (how) these Messengers were as human beings, then you will see through the false statements written about them, and when you learn to be like them how they were, you will become a better human being benefitting not only your own soul but those around you too which none of these cult leaders seems to understand because everything they touch burns down as you can see all over the place, I say this again, if your cult put up the picture of any of its leaders, run and run as fast as you can away from them, you are in a cult ! Run !!!    
