US has a decades old UFO retrieval program: UFO hunter | Morning in America

I am not very convinced about alien abduction stories because my understanding is the aliens know everything and I mean absolutely everything they need to know about our species, there is nothing they dont already know, if they wanted to do experiments on us which I dont believe they do and I will come back to why that is, but if there was any experiments done on us to figure out things about our anatomy they could have have it done long before when we had the chance to expose them worldwide back when we were more less technologically advanced and another reason I dont believe they are doing or ever have done experiments on us is because and you might not believe this but I do, the reason is because they are not allowed by higher beings themselves like the angels who are the guardians of us from those we see and we dont see, both the extraterrestrials and the interdimensional and again my understanding is that the aliens they know everything already about is, they are not interested in our primitive bodies, their curiosity has to do more about what kind of creatures we will choose to be, will we remain to stay as the animals we were created from or to be smart enough to figure out ohh there is a Creator after all and the things below Him in His creation, thats what the aliens are interested in because I believe they aliens are more than advanced enough to have figured out this long ago and thats why they have been granted a front row seat to watch the show first hand, on the other hand the interdimensional the corrupt elements of them, they want to keep these facts away from us to have us fail, to remain the animals we were created of, for us to never evolve to better beings, I also believe because all intelligent creatures have been created with free will, there always will be of any species who will harbor other ideas than having the best wishes for other creatures, it will come down to jealousy and other factors, I do also believe the aliens the vast majority of them they have evolved to be better beings than the fiery interdimensional, I believe their agenda differs much from the extraterrestrials, I myself do not have any concerns about the extraterrestrials its the other guys and their human devils I an very much concerned about because we can see how corrupt they are with our own eyes, I never seen or heard the extraterrestrials corrupt the planet as much as our own human devils, to the answer is clear, the real enemy is from within not from other guys, I would even suggest the aliens I think they have to be pretty cool guys, I do believe that.
