Veterans FURIOUS With Trump After SHOCKING Statement | The Kyle Kulinski...

If this doesnt prove to Trumpster that Trump is for sale that he would sell anyone for the right amount of money I dont know what more they have to see from him, the thing with Trump when he entered his first presidential race was that he thought he is going to win and win big, win terms of money with great advertisements for his business his brand his ego, he soon found out that was not going to be the case, his brand was hurt he alienated half of the population that is the business community too not the smartest thing is you rely on peoples money to be poured in your businesses, so he got hurt economically badly but his ego wouldnt allow him to quite, now he is vengeful resentful of all who didnt do him good so now basically he runs to catch up with his loses that is boost his ego to post his presidential run first time, and as always he doesnt care where the money comes from whos ass he has to kiss to get the big bucks, this man do anything for the right amount without shame, if he has to offend veterans for 100 million dollars he will do that on tv he doesnt care, the pathetic thing here is he will turn around the next day and say something else contradicting himself from his previous insults to the day before as if he never had offended them the day earlier and this Trumpsters will still cheer him up as their hero, again if you as a Trumpster are not used to this by now you never be offended of he went after your spouse too because how many times do you have to see this from him before you start saying something, something not flattering to him that is, because I doubt most of the Trumpsters ever will, for them he is the chosen one, this corrupt man who will see you out for the right amount of money depending what you are worth to him and this is your chosen one by God, this hypocrite, I am telling you, WW3 will start from the Middle East not anywhere else, but from the Middle East and I fear this man will blow the last Trumpet on that, I suggest you rethink and have us buy all of us some time by voting for Kamala, I am saying lets postpone it for a while, give us some time in hope of perhaps something can be done about that, or it wont but at least we will stay alive for some more time, I really do believe that, with Trump and the Zionists around him, that time will be drastically shortened.
