"We Will Destroy Al Aqsa, Mecca, and Islam"

The Zionist Synagog of Satan have declared war on Judaism as you have heard so many Torah Jews explain in detail, the Zionist luciferian entity have declared war on Christianity as you have heard so many Christian clergymen explained to you, the Zionist satanic entity have declared war on Islam, so who is left for the Zionist entity not to have declared war on ? only the lunatics left, the ironic thing is, the Zionist Talmudic entity have also openly declared war on its religious allies by telling them they all will either convert or get killed at the end of the beginning of their agenda they have in plans for them, I think from what I know this kind of promise to ones allie that you have plans to have them killed after they followed you is first in history, opps I was wrong it has happened once before, Eblis Satan made a similar promise to his followers too, he said he is not forcing anyone to follow him, he would like you to follow him, he also told his followers, if you follow me, you will end up where he is sent to, yet so many followed him.
The simple truth is, the Zionist entity is not everlasting, anyone who believes that its everlasting has couple of screws loose, its not, it will fall, and the fall will like so many before it be felt and recorded, so now knowing this why follow it when you know it wont end up well with it, that is the question, something wicked like this wont even last for too long, something all its followers know from the Evangelicals to the Talmuds themselves, because both of these groups know, first something horrific has to happen for this "everlasting" entity will take its place, so both agree this Zionist entity will be destroyed and both know its around the corner, so if I were you I would leave that place pack up and leave and dont look back, if you are smart, or stay around and fall with it, better if you left and also realize, it is indeed a wicked entity this Zionist entity.
