Why Germany is questioning migration after the Solingen terror attack | ...

You have to get tougher, I would also suggest no young people between 15- 30 traveling alone will get asylum or even apply for one, they should stay in their own countries improving their own countries, they are more needed there than here, another reason for this is, a person over 30 is more a mature one less unstable, people from these places under 30 I dont trust them much and less so if they travel alone, families is another thing but you need restrictions there too, another thing I would have done which I believe is a very good method is, I would have teams study asylum seekers psychologically at asylum centers where they are kept the first months or whatever if they are fit if they are stable analyse their character to see if they have potential or not to be able to seek asylum, because you never know till you have closely studied them individually if they are up to good or not and if not then you need to send them back where they came from, because you only want civilized people you dont want potential thugs just climbed down of a mountain sort of speak, I dont mean to be cruel but its true, you should only grant asylum to people who you could have around you, you dont want a lesser culture to come and mess up what you have created, if they cannot add something good to it then they dont belong here, or at least they shouldnt fuck things up, thats what you should look out for, and I believe you can study such characters in the asylum centers, and for those who already have been granted asylum if they get convicted for three medium size crimes they need to be deported, not for speeding and such but lets say for theft three strikes and you are out, or violent crimes medium grade ones, three of those and you are out, look if you want to save your civilization you need to make a few points clear to people, fuch around and find out, thats what their own former regimes used to deal with such people, and those dictators they know how to deal with their own, you should learn from those dictators a little bit, some of those are great guys really nice guys kind of like a few myself. 
