Why's Israel DELIBERATELY Killing Israeli Hostages in Gaza?

The parents of the dual citizen Jewish American captive in Gaza need to complain to the Zionist regime about why her son have not been released but more importantly why the Zionist Israeli satanic regime have occupied the Holy Land murdered and displaced millions of parents just like themselves for the past 80 years, the Zionist regime is to blame for a ceasefire not to have been achieved by now when Netanyahu is going around and murdering all the negotiators just to be able to stay in power and out of jail, and now you are hearing the Zionist Israeli army is killing more of their Jewish captives than anyone else put together.

And to these naive foolish anti Zionist podcasters and alike who have your heads deep inside the Shia mollas you know what and their propagandists you bring as guests for the mollas to spread their disinformation I say what I have said before, you are doing no one a favor here but the Zionists when you echo the in this case the Shia mollas propaganda, because you dont seems to get through your dumb heads who the Shia mollas are, one argument you often time hear from the Shia molla disinfo agents is this - Islamic Republic of Iran have always stood with the oppressed people from the South Africans to the Palestinians from day one, and Islamic Republic of Iran have suffered sanctioned from day one for standing with the oppressed people like the Palestinians and if we were not sincere we wouldnt have suffered this much- you often times here this argument from these Shia disinfo agents of the mollas, and naive as you are, you dont understand what they are saying or what they say means, because let me tell you what it means, it is NOT the Shia molla regime and their cult followers who have suffered with these sanctions, they are doing better than ever, they havent suffered a bit as their disinfo agents are telling you, they are all rich, the ones who are suffering are not them but the people of Iran who they have subjugated, the mollas and their cult followers they live in mansions drive expensive cars they are all millionaires and in many cases billionaires, what they mean when they say (Islamic Republic of Iran) they mean this secret Shia society the ruling elites of them, this 5% or so they are this so called Islamic Republic, the rest of the Iranians are the actual Iran, and this 95% are very angry because you phony anti Zionist showmen and women have betrayed them, just so you fools know, you have only the support of 5% of the Iranians and these 5% are not even Iranians, they are Iraqis Lebanese Afghans Pakistanis loyal Shia cult followers with some Iranians in the group, look I am not bashing Iraqis Lebanese Pakis Afghans, I do not oppose you just because you happen to follow this sect, I have made my case very clear, I dont agree with your theology because I see it being outside Islamic believes, like as I have explained to you so many times, you pray to people beside God, when God tell you to pray five times a day, you pray three times, what you hypocrites are doing you include the other two prayers in the other three and call it you pray five rakats, you are still praying (three) times a day at three different occasions, thats not praying five times a day but three times a day, I mean if you even cant get simple things like this I dont know what more to tell you, then you have your other crazy things you are doing which I dont feel I have to go into, so having said all this and having to know you and more importantly your higher ups which none of you have got to meet and talk to I stand my ground more firmly than ever and stand by my word and judgment on you Shias, and as I said because of I know what your leaders are up to the kind of liars and hypocrites and straight out criminals they are I must distance myself from everything you stand for, like we know president Raisi was assassinated by the mollas himself, the assassination of Haniyeh was also an inside job to please certain people to show good will because the mollas want to stay in business in Iran in Lebanon in Iraq so they can fatten their pockets further, so dont expect any so called retaliation like the show they put on display last time, you idiots dont seems to understand how this world is governed, it has never been about peace and stability, it has always been about stirring up and muddy the waters to catch the disoriented fish which you are when you support in this case the Shia mollas, I have told you, if you knew anything about Islam you would know there is no such thing called a republic, a republic is the opposite of what the Holy Quran is telling you to adopt, again if you cannot understand whats in front of you, you are of no good use, you are of bad use, you are being used because you are a moron, sorry to say but you are and because there are so many of you morons out there this is why things are worsening day by day while you in your dumb mind think you are doing good, this is your problem here, the mollas are an abomination, they are corrupt they criminals they are evil in fact and they are no better than the Zionists, they both follow the same teaching, of Eblis, one thing Saddam said that was actually true, I dont like that man and he is going where Khomeini is on the way to which is Hell but Saddam said one thing that was true, that Khomeini was Dajjal , a mini Dajjal, thats the only true word that came out of that criminal too which I agree with, Saddam said this because he was aware of the greater scheme but himself corrupt to fall for it himself too.
I say this to the Shias the naive ones out there which are the 98% of the Shias, your cult leaders they dont tell you the whole story, they have two different theologies, first the one they teach to you naive sheeps the other one is for their trusted ones, which is pure satanic, like did you know I say this because I know this for a certainty, your cult leaders and also those agents who do their dirty work for them, did you know they teach magic, they call it white magic, thats what they call it, but we have been told by God there is no such thing as white or black magic, we only have this art form called magic and as Believers we must stay away from it but your Shia cult leaders they dont follow that instruction, instead they suger coat it by calling it white magic but to the rest of you naive Shia cult followers they teach you to stay away from magic, your Shia cult leaders are all a type of Freemasons and every Freemason have been programmed to accept they have been lied to in previous degrees, so they get taught that its ok to be a hypocrite that its ok to lie and deceive people and these Shia mollas have deceived you all and deception whos handywork and tool is it ?? Eblis of course, because God doesnt waste anyones time with deception, He have given you the Holy Book with all the instruction you need to SAVE YOURSELF and if you dont have the will to do so then you have only yourself to blame when it will be time to answer Him, I am telling you all, we live in confusing times, dont make things complicated for you, forget about your Shia hadiths you Sunni hadiths all your man made books, just open your Quran and follow the simple instructions in it and forget about everything else, do that and you will do just fine, follow these cult leaders of yours and follow them wherever hell they are about to be sent to, thats the message for today.
