Bad weather to blame for Raisi crash: Iranian committee concludes thick ...

You know I have to comment on this right :) but I do I have to comment on it because its bullcrap, the mollas assassinated him, what did this phony investigation had to say about the fuselage of the helicopter which just disappeared, all I saw on the crash sight was the tail of the helicopter and the main blade, everything else was just missing, what explanation do they have, none of course, and if you all recall they said the pilot called in after the crash saying they were all alright with some injuries, a few days they came back and said they were all dead in the crash, it could be that they had planted explosives in the helicopter, it exploded the helicopter crashed the pilot and others were actually alive as reported in the beginning, then the rescue crew got to them quickly shot all survivors and airlifted the fuselage and the dead bodies and all the evidence of what really happened and left the rest of the helicopter behind, look I still stay by my statement, they must have killed Raisi the Supreme Leader his royal highness sure had plenty of motives to have Raisi whacked, the thing is a month before this assassination the dogs of the Supreme Loser tried to have Ahmadinejad whacked too then a month after the murder of Raisi they tried to assassinate Ahmadinejad too again, and before all this a year ago they had Ahmadinejad beaten up, actually beat him up, now a month ago they had Ismail Haniyeh whacked too in a sacrificial offering to show people the mollas are serious about signing deals so they can cement their stay in Iran for longer, this is what is happening right now, if some of you naive people think the Shia mollas care for the Palestinians or anyone else for that matter other than themselves you need to seek help, the only reason the Shia mollas wave the Palestinian flag is because its all they have to hang on to, the only reason they can keep doing with the Iranians with what they are doing, just like Netanyahu if these criminals dropped their slogans against others their enemies they have nothing else to stand on, this is all there is to it, just as Netanyahu dont care if millions of Israelis die look the mollas and these Zionist are two sides of the same evil satanic coin, just get that though your dumb ass dead, look at the evidence if you cant see what is going on you are indeed a moron a fool an useful idiot, there is all there is to you, you are of no good, you should go drop dead do everyone a big favor go drown yourself in some dirty river, you are the enemy of humanity with what you are doing, you are, I am not saying you have bad intentions, I am just telling you, you are a moron thats it, you are a moron with good intentions, you think you are doing good, well guess what, everyone thinks they are doing the right thing, doesnt mean you are doing the right thing, you just think you are big difference, Shaytanyaboo also thinks he is doing the right thing, Satan thought he was doing the right thing too, again take a look at the evidence, they are all corrupt to their core, a corrupt person can never be blessed by God, do you have the intellect of a child to understand this or not, if you now say you believe in God, listen to me, God doesnt need any of us, understand, He doenst need you or I, He have clearly stated He doesnt bless the corrupt, and who is more corrupt than the mollas, who is more corrupt than Hezbola, hezbola means the party of God, these Shia mollas took this name because in the Holy Quran God have stated, 'The party of God will be victorious' you think God was talking about these corrupt criminals who pray to their imams and their children and their grandchildren ? I will repost the video where Irans Supreme Whore is saying, God speaks through his mouth, yes he actually said that, that God speaks (through) the mouth of Irans Supreme Criminal, you think God will bless these people, these Shia mollas are so corrupt they used the name Party of God to deceive you, and you idiots think they are the actual party of God, if you feared God you would distance yourself from these heretics, you wouldnt take a penny from them you wouldnt shake their hands you wouldnt even look at their faces, thats if you fear God, but you dont, you dont fear God, you say you do but you are a hypocrite like those you have around you, you have hypocrisy in you dont deny it you do, you do, God who is in need of no one have said He wont bless you, the blessings will go to others better suited, while you are suffering because of your own stupidity and dragging everyone else down with you, this is what you are doing.
