Christian Palestinians fight to reclaim their UNESCO-listed land seized ...

The world have to see this let it go viral !
The world must unite against these Zionist human devil but dont tell that to Foxnews Newsmax CNN and these others because they will have you fight to your last love ones for these Zionist Israeli human devil, why the world is not enraged why your leaders are allowing this to happen before the whole world I know why that is, they are all bought and paid for by these Zionists, no doubt this will change, it is changing as we speak as a matter of fact, we have Jews good Jews leading the march against Zionism and more and more Jews are joining the anti Zionist global movement, there will be a breaking point no doubt, Zionism will fall, with Gods help, its in Scriptures, its a done deal.
I urge all you readers to join the Resistance, this is not a left right issue, Zionism is a threat to humanity, fix the issue with Zionism and I promise you the whole world will turn into a paradise, then the issues around left and right will be around minor things, nothing like it is today, with Zionism gone you have solved 80% of all your issues on left and right, take my word for it, with Zionism gone you will have less wars less taxes healthcare for all no extremism on any side no terrorism only party time all around all day long, this is what awaits you, when Zionism is no more, I cant wait to see a whole new world emerging when this cancer is no longer here to make you all confuse about things because thats what Zionism is doing to you all right now, a perfect world is right around the corner all you all need to unite against Zionism. 
