DOJ: Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, Took MILLIONS From Russian Cutouts

I think there are a lot of people getting paid to side with Russia Iran and others and there are a lot of people getting paid by the US to take their side in those countries and around the world, here is the thing, when you invent something crooked then intentionally spread it around all over the place rest assured it will come back to you too, so the best thing would have been not to corrupt in the first place however thats not the kind of world we have been forced to live in thanks to all these crooked people so what does this leave the rest of us, I'll tell you what it leaves us, what this tells us, us I mean the ones with brains, not the brainless who think they have brains, for the rest of us this tell us, none of these paid commentators have ever been correct about anything they have ever said, I mean how many times have you heard pro Russia commentators say, Russia is will be victorious next week and the war will be over, the same people have been saying that for over two years, the reason they keep repeating this is, they are getting paid to say what they are saying, well have they been correct, no they have not, they have not been correct in predicting anything thus far, just empty talk, again the reason is, they are getting paid to get out there and say what they are told to say, same thing with these commentators who have been telling you Iran will respond "strongly" in way the Zionist will regret it for the rest of their lives, and I have told you from day one, Iran wont do shit and I have explained why, but this doesnt stop these commentators to still shilling for Iran and Russia and Hamas and Hezbola and the rest of the gang, same goes with the pro Zionist commentators, what I am telling you, those of us with brains is this, none of these are doing anything for the greater good, just as Foxnews Newsmax and the Neocons dont give a flying fuck about the Jews if they live or die, the Mollas Putin MBS General Sisi, Humus, Fatah none of these dont give a damn about anything but their own well being and pockets, look I am in short going to explain once again the way I see things, and I believe I am right in my view thats why I dont like any of these.
This is my belief, I believe we have disobeyed God and thats why we all are in the shitter, pure and simple, I believe the Palestinians have themselves to blame for what they have found themselves in, soon I will write a long piece to explain in more detail why I think that is, so lets continue, I believe the Iranians have themselves to blame the Americans have themselves to blame and so it continues for everyone else around the world, I strongly believe there are no innocent people anywhere, if you ask me what about the children, I have my explanation for that too, I will write about explaining it all, in short, I dont believe there are any one blameless anyone innocent we created this now we have to deal with the consequences of what we willingly in our ignorance approved of, so there are no one to blame but ourselves, this is the truth of the matter so the blame game has to stop, but it wont because it is too late to stop acting like wild monkeys, people will continue till everything around them have collapsed, what happens thereafter is another chapter of our short stay here on this prison planet, so let me quit with this, dont believe any future predictions of what this country or that country this or that group will do, if you are dumb enough to believe a word of these paid crisis actors on either side, again you have yourself to blame, 99% of them are crisis actors paid ones !!

Here is a good advice for you, keep it simple like, Zionism is bad the worst nothing worse than that, and the official opposition of Zionism are not better themselves, they are all corrupt to their cores and God does not bless the corrupt, if you can understand this then you are on the right path to greater things if not sorry to say you are a lost soul, may God guide you on the right path, I wish for you.

I'll say it again, keep it simple, TWO things you need to remember only (TWO) things, one is, Zionism is Nr1 Evil, Nr2 is the official opposition like the Mollas and the rest of the phony resistance, if you have the brain capacity not to forget these two things I just said, there is hope for you, otherwise you are hopeless in fact you are doing Evils work for them.
