How To Talk Zionists Out Of Zionism What Works, And What Doesn't

What was said here is of outmost importance for all people to know, the Zionist entity is not an apartheid racist ethno state, its also racist towards its own Jewish population, in fact the Zio ethno entity is anti Hebrew anti Jewish because the Ashkenazis who are of Khazar ethnicity Caucasians corrupted themselves all the way from Russia Ukraine and those areas down to the Middle East to the Holy Land started to ethnically cleanse the real Hebrews the real Jews the real Semites of all kinds and its not over yet for them, their Dark Lord Satan also convinced them to corrupt the whole world the whole planet so they can bring about this Luciferian entity known as the Antichrist build the third temple basically take over the whole world, thats their plan, look folks this is not me joking fooling around this is what these Zionists are working towards, do not remain naive this is serious business, they are planning to kill off as many as they can with a massive war and these Zionists work through Freemasonry ! 
