IDF recovers bodies of 6 hostages, including Hersh Goldberg-Polin

The parents of Hersh must be devastated, sorry to hear that cant be easy, if I were the parents of these now dead captives I would like to confirm personally if they all were actually shot in the head execution style to verify the Zionist IDF statement, as I have said, I dont believe a word from genocidal war criminals even if these war criminals were my own, I dont trust any war criminals, but this whole story doesnt make sense and I am usually right, something is not adding up here either, we have seen Hamas fighters not even targeting injured Zionist criminal terrorist IDF killers after one of their buddies is being transported away from the scene where they got sniped, we have heard stories with released captives how well treated they were with Hamas and now you want us to believe these other captives got executed I dont believe that, just as I didnt believe Hamas raped and burned babies alive, these captives I dont know could have gassed or when IDF is about to enter a tunnel threw in explosives first killing everyone there first before they entered the tunnel, we know the IDF shoot first ask questions later like with the case when they shoot their own three released Israeli captives they thought were Palestinians, it could be any of these scenarios all these are more likely than Hamas executing the captives they need to negotiate with, the Zionist Israeli narrative doesnt make any sense they are lying again, so if I were the parents of these dead captives I would like to see and examine the bodies myself to see if what the terrorist Zionist organization IDF is saying is correct or not.
Again I am sorry for the parents of these now dead captives, I would also if I were the parents of young Jews keep my family away from the Zionist entity because its run by a war criminal cult.
