Israel accused of shooting dead American protester in West Bank | BBC News

Look at the hypocrisy here, a dual citizen who is we all know more loyal to Israel than to the US is referred to as, (American citizen) when he travels to other peoples land they stole and falls in captivity there, but when when an American born NO dual citizen ! American girl goes to demonstrate the Zionist thieves who stole other peoples land gets shot in the head, western Zionist controlled media brings up her whole ethnicity from where her parents her grandparents her whole lineage history line and refer to her as Turkish American, no dual citizen like the Zionist kid was, on dancing and having fun on other peoples property, just a few meters on the other side of the Gaza Wall, dancing playing music these are innocent they are referred to but when you resist the occupiers the thieves the criminals those who have murdered half of your family, you are referred to as a terrorist, fuck these people, fucking hypocrites I hope they all go to hell sooner so the world can be free from these Zionist human devils.
If they not see her as an American but Turkish then Turkey should do something here to protect its citizens, massive demonstrations to start with in Turkey, to start with !
