The plans of the Synagog of Satan the Zionist entity is to start the ethnic cleansing in Gaza first, you have seen nothing yet I am telling you, then they will go over to the West Bank get a few false flags over there too and you will have all the Zionist mainstream media together with the corrupt politicians telling you why it is necessary to ethnically cleanse West bank too but it wont stop there, after that they will go over to Lebanon and Syria and Egypt and try to end it with Iran, this is just the beginning folks, you have to be able to read between the lines of what the Zionists are saying in their mainstream media, all their commentators start saying they have to defeat Hamas then they end by saying Iran is the last target, meaning everything in between the Palestinians and Iran need to be defeated, you know what means ? it means everything in between these two areas, that include Jordan too, these Zionist Synagog of Satan are talking about a major war here, they are talking about WW3, look friends, you are fucked no matter whom you vote for, you vote for Kamala you have war with Russia, you vote for Trump you have war in the Middle East, you vote for Kamala you have war with Russia meaning with the Middle East too, you vote for Trump the war will start in the Middle East and end with Russia China all of it, either way you are fucked, sorry to say, this wont end well, with these Zionists in control of both Kamala and Trump, Satan doesnt discriminate, buckle up its things are going to get not to complicated if you ask me but its gonna get scorching hot everywhere, dont think these politicians you cheer for will send you a welcome card to one of their bunkers, you are on your own, I hope you can see what is about to happen pretty soon, good luck.
