New Iranian Tank Abomination

I saw this news a couple of days ago and wanted to share a few comments on it then I thought what do people know about what I am about to say and these military matters tanks and stuff going into details of the technical of it, so now that we have a video explaining the ridiculous technicals of whatever this thing is let me instead tell you why it was made, for domestic consumption. this footage will be broadcasted to the Shia regime supporters and these backward uneducated in terms of what they they know about the technicals of a MBT, all they see is a cool tank with stuff hanging of it and thats the purpose of why this singular piece of junk was made, to please the eyes of their Shia cult followers and the media outlets its broadcasted at, and if you heard the Persian speaking version of what they say this tank is it would blow your mind, they are basically saying and I am not kidding, you can fight battles on the moon out of space with it, as it is so technologically advanced hard to come by anywhere in the world and only the Islamic Republic can pull off something like this, thats what they are telling their people, another purpose this kind of footages is made for is to show they are spending peoples the money of the country on important advancements, while they are looting every drop of Irans wealth sending it out of the country, this is one of the main purposes the Shia mollas were put there in Iran, to loot it, drive all the Iranians out and replaces it with people from neighboring countries. 
