The entire state of Israel is built upon a lie

Why dont you say the UnIslamic Republic of Iran was also built upon a lie from day one, because it is also just as true as with the unholy state of Israel, just as the Soviet Luciferian entity was built upon a lie from day one and for the current Russian federation which is just a continuation of the Soviets, why shill for one of these of many criminals which share the exact same origin stories George ? why not tell the whole truth so perhaps helps you God.

I will expose as plainly obvious secret which is right before your eyes if you care take look at it.
You all know in order to become a Freemason you must believe in a higher entity like God or the Devil, or you will never get initiated as a Freemason and rightly so because no one wants to deal with a complete dummy after all, you need to know about your surroundings of course otherwise you are of no real good use, so I understand this requirement of the Freemasons, you have to believe in an afterlife the whole shebang you do if you believe in a higher being this Universal Designer Freemasons calls it, so whether you are a capitalist a socialist a communist or whatever Freemason you again (must) believe in a higher being, we know all Soviet communists from Stalin to those before and after him all the founders were Freemasons, this is not a theory its a fact, well documented, so the question is, why did these higher believing communists go to bad religious everything forcing atheism when they were not atheists themselves, why did they create all these ideologies from Marxism to Maoism to Socialism with all these characteristics which the core of it is, there is no God and if you worship God these same hypocrites who do believe in a higher being send out to kill you and did so in the tens of millions of people, the simple reason is, yes they worshiped one higher being however it wasnt God, so this higher being must have been the opposite of Gods teaching, knowing this you as a Believer with your eyes open you still think the leaders of lets say China who all are Freemasons like the Shia Mollas are like the Pope is, like your kings and queens are like all of them, why are the so closely connected with one another when I just explained to you, even though they say they oppose each other politically they behind the scene are all members of the same brotherhood, so let me ask you, do you think all these I mentioned value their political opposition higher than their secret brotherhood, of course they value their brotherhood higher because politics a theater act to waste your time and efforts on which of these teams which they all are under the same umbrella serve under this brotherhood of Freemasonry which oppose and always opposed people of God.
In the Holy Quran God never mentioned the Freemasons by name which He rarely does, but He does refer to them when He warned those who say Prophet Salomon was a magician and warned them, then He goes on to say many things which only the Talmuds and Freemasons say and do, so God is clearly speaking about these people and its clear these people God is referring to has earned the displeasure of God, and if you didnt know by now Iran is fully controlled by the Freemasons, the same Freemasons who established the Soviet and everything else, let me tell you all this, I am speaking from experience, I have met many Freemasons, and I have never ever met a Freemason which was not partly or wholly sadistic a sociopath so some larger degree, this is my own experience, one thing they all had in common, they were all corrupt as hell, and this is what Freemasonry teaches you, to accept corruption, this is the core of it, they teach you to accept and become corrupt and you will do better the sheeps, how do you choose to life your life, as a dirty wolf or a mindless sheep or a lion ??
