The US Further HUMILIATES Itself By Ignoring American Killed By Israel

For over two decades I have been saying, the Zionist entity was created just to be destroyed with everyone in it at a later point, I dont doubt most of you wont believe what I said its ok you are free to believe whatever you want, let me explain the logic of my argument, what certain people wanted you to believe is that the US have been trying its best to shield the Zionist question amongst its own people with all the means the Zionist lobby movement have at its disposal with pro Zionist media politicians and other law enforcers, this is what they want you to believe that they have been trying their best to shield the Zionist Israeli entity, while any smarter person would counter argue that, there is no way to shield anything for a longer of time anywhere, no conspiracy acted upon have been shielded from the public to learn, it always come out and at the end it will reach a tipping point, something the corrupt know it will come to this point, same as they knew from the get go that if you have such a outrageous crazy lunatic regime like the Zionist Entity will create such anger with even eventually with the American people which will raise up the question of many things, I dont have to go through all the questions the American people are questioning right now around why the US is gifting these Zionist genocidal Israelis with everything they wish for, I say of course those on top of the Zionist movement knew it will come down to this where they cant keep the Zionist Entity shielded from criticism from the American people, and anyone who knows anything can see how it will end with this Zionist Israeli entity, it will end with when enough Americans say hell no we are not going to support these Zionist Israeli cockroaches any longer the Zionist Entity will stand there amongst enemies from within and from outside with no one to come for their aid not from America not from Europe from nowhere, because getting associated with the Zionist will be the end of you, politically financially in all kind of ways, this is how things will look like in the near future when enough Americans will pull back, and pull back they will, no doubt, so this is why I argue that those who created this Zionist Entity also knew it will come down to this, to the destruction of this entity, one can also see it like people fattening this Zionist sheep getting it ready for slaughter for eventualities to come after that, things they have in plans, in short, its not going to end well with that Zionist Israeli entity, this imposter entity, the Luciferians have their plans for it how they have planned to end this entity and with what they want to replace it however I see something else happening but it doesnt mean they are going to fuck things up massively, sorry to say, it can only end up in the worst way possible with not many around to tell the tale, so you better make copies of what has been said, a couple of copies ! 
