Bishop Mar Mari talking about Jews spitting on Christians !! #marmariemm...

We know why some so called Christians in the US even theri officials like Mike Pompeo those from Foxnews to CNN are supporting the Zionists in Israel, it has nothing to do with religion or being God fearing but more about politics, in other words those people I mentioned sold their souls to Satan for whatever they were promised, because who in their right mind would go on to support such human devils like the Zionist Israeli Jews who are taught from childhood that their Talmudic souls are from a heavenly (demonic) realm while the souls of everyone else in this world is from a demonic one, then you have the physical the visual evidence with that they say and do what you hold most sacred, who does that other hypocrites, you guessed it right, a Zionist does, not a follower of the Christ, a Zionist is against the Christ, a Zionist is an antichrist, it is this simple, look I know it will be difficult to walk away from what you taught was the path chosen from you from childhood, I had to face the same dilemma myself but on a much greater scale than most of you ever will be faced with, as a child I was taught to hate Jews, I was even told killing Jews was a deed which can guarantee you paradise, I was told many things which would most of you turn your backs on the Creator, that was the plan they had for me, to make me like one of them, someone who turn his back on God in embrace the other dark side which people with weak minds take refuge in when they are confused and let down by the world, but a strong mind burn through all deceptions before you to see the truths which was kept hidden from you, others with weak minds they give up and embrace take refuge in the Dark Side such likes of Mike Pompeo and these others and by now they are fully a loyal side of the Dark Side, make no mistake the mollas are the exact copy cats but from another angle, I have told you I have first hand seen the Evil hand of the Dark Side just as active in Iran in Russia in Sweden in Philippines and many other places, here is somethign I never told you folks, the reason I was sent to Sweden it was many reasons which I will talk about little by little at times so we have something to talk about for a long time to come but one of the primary reasons the Shia mollas and their IRGC dogs wanted me not to come back to Iran after my imprisonment in Philippines had to do with the fact that the Shia Luciferians know I have many followers in Iran, in Iran they Shia molla Luciferians couldnt do whatever the hell they wanted with me because people were also there which had my back so the luciferians didnt have free hands to do everything they wanted, but in Sweden the Shia Luciferians and the Swedish branch of the devil worshipers who are fully in charge of the whole country there is no opposition to what they can do or not to do, so they Shia mollas rather have me sent away to those in Sweden with free hands to do whatever the hell they want putting my life in greater risk, this is one of the reason why they all want me rather here in Sweden than places like in Iran and other dangerous places where the Luciferians roam free as they please, Sweden is the Luciferians playground, people have no idea how many times the Swedish authorities have tried to have me assassinated and also let others to give it a try while they were standing by and hoping their evil plans fell through, but did it :) of course it never did because my God is greater than their dark little lord, I have so much to say I am just waiting for the right moment :)
