Concerns about all-out war: Israel to respond 'imminently' to Iran's attack

Of course Iranians will say they will defend their country, they have no choice but to say and do what they say, Iranians have been put between a rock and a hard place with no escape by the molla traitors who have been stealing their dreams their resources their wealth and their blood for a Luciferian Shia cult outside Iran. What I am about to say I dont have direct proof of but based from what we know is that this Shia molla cult with the late cursed Khomejni as a front man was installed by the Vatican, we know as a matter of fact the close relationship between the molla regime and the Vatican, and as I was explaining yesterday, all the billions of dollars looted from Iran that have been sent to Iraq to Sistani is not being kept in Iraq, it is kept in Vatican banks, Vatican is a mafia organization and the Pope is not in charge of anything there, the Pope is like the US president or any other leader for that matter, sure they have influence but they are not the main power there, there are people way more powerful and influential than the Pope and the US president, the whole world is run by mafia type criminal people who have a hand in anything with money in it, from weapon manufacturing to the drug trade to banking to human trafficking you name where money is made there they are, these people tell leaders what to say and what policies to implement, and they are luciferians, devil worshipers and they telling world leaders to play certain roles for people to think their leaders are there to look after their interests while they all are part of the same dark team, there is no democracy anywhere, its an illusion, the whole system is fake one and you are feeding the Beast by associating yourself with either of them, you are fueling the Beast machine with your participation in the game they have designed, the issue here is not this faith vs the other or left vs the right and all these other options they place before you to choose one over the other, the topic should be your rage against the Beast machine, politicians can never be loyal to you, they are way too afraid of their own asses, a politician can never be a true warrior just as a true warrior can never be a politician, a politicians job is to betray one over the other for his or her own benefit or those she or he serve under, so learning how to betray people is somethign they learn quickly, a politicians would never willingly stay before a hail of bullets for his or her people for their country, not willingly, you cant trust such people to do the right thing at the right moment, you all saw how Bernie turned his back on the millions who placed their hope in him, how easy it was for him to be the politician he was, and Bernie was supposed to be the best of them, but for now I urge you my American friends not to vote for Kamala, we cannot reward that kind of behavior, vote Dr Jill Stein or dont vote at all, and for you Iranians, you need to do something similar, you need to get those molla traitors and all theri IRGC out, its not enough with the mollas alone, IRGC have betrayed you just as much they are just as guilty, they are guilty of treason.
