Fighting rages between Israel and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon

The question here is, what has Turkey and the Turks done to stop killing of Muslims in the Middle East other than talking, absolutely nothing, instead Turkey and Azerbaijan have aided the Zionists in their agenda to kill Muslims in the Middle East, say what you want about the Shias in Iran in Iraq in Syria in Lebanon and all the criticism is true and I have taken the lead in that but you cant say these infidel Shias have aided the Zionists to kill Muslims in the Middle East, instead they have fought the takfiris in the war against all Muslims who I say again Turkey and Azerbaijan have aided the Zionist supported takfiris to kill both Sunnis and Shias and Christians and now Erdogan your dear supreme leader of the Turks is as usual talking the big talk but behind the scene aiding the Zionist entity to kill Muslims in the Holy Land and generally in the Middle East, why are you Turks so loyal to this traitor to Islam to Muslims and to all Believers, when will you lift the veil over your eyes and see the corrupt hypocrite Erdogan really is and instead supporting a real man not a human devil which he is, he is going to Hell for this s
just so you know, a betrayal like that I cannot imagine God is going to overlook, and when will all people of the Middle East lift the veils over eyes too from the Jordanians to the Egyptians to all Arabs to Iranians the Pakis, Muslims in Africa everywhere, if your dear leaders I mean dictators if they are in any shape or form in good terms with the Zionist entity you need to rise up against these rat bastards, put national ethnicity aside and political affiliations, there is a much greater issues at hand which need to be taken cared of first, take care of that first then you can argue about minor issues. 
To the Turks ! you guys need to get your acts together with the hypocrisy on display, cut off ALL oil supply to the Zionist entity so they their genocide machine come to a halt !
