Hezbollah deputy says military capability ‘solid’ after Israeli strikes

He is such a deceiver, he is talking about the Zionists killing women and children which is true, no questions there but he and his Shia cult must be the last one to bring these topics up because as if his own Shia Hezbola hasnt killed women and children in Syria and in Iraq, we know as a matter of fact the Hezbs have executed shot children, so he should shut the hell up, we know how the Iraqi Shia Hezbs massacred Sunnis in Iraq, civilians ! people not wearing arms, listen I have had enough of these criminals on all sides, they can all go to hell for all I care, neither of these from the Zionists to ISIL to Hezbs to Putin to Zelensky to any of them must be supported, we must create another strong movement who oppose all these criminals, this has to be the way or nothing will ever change for the better, you all know you dont was a bloody hand with bloody hands, thats what you are doing if you go to your animalistic instincts and do tribal all over again, leave your tribe behind, I did, so can you, lets go back to our original tribe which is humanity lets do that instead, we will do better its a safer bet.
