“I said Bitcoin was a scam” - Dan Pena

I dont think Putin invented Bitcoin how could he, I think someone went to Putin as the first persons to introduce the idea and see if Putin would be on the scam as partner and Putin said yes, then it took of, Bitcoin is the work of the Little Devil thats what I want to say and if you take part in that scam then you have the curse of God on you, you are doomed.
This is what I am trying to say, mankind cant even get the simplest commandments right, God say no usury what do mankind do, they go all the way in, God say currency must have physical value to keep inflation in tact so a small number of you glorified monkeys dont come to own 99% of everything and create poverty for the 99% of you dummies and what do YOU what do mankind do, YOU go all the way in YOUR own doom, look I can keep on going but you get the point, YOU destroyed YOU and everyone else with YOU, I dont care how schooled how educated how famous YOU are how influential YOU are and how white YOUR hair is and how intelligent YOU think YOU are, YOU are still an IDIOT.
