Now the Zionists got hold of Sinwar too, I couldnt care less, its a good thing in fact, for reasons most of you anti Zionists are not able to grasp why yet or ever, but I think it was a good thing, a good thing because well there are several reasons one is in my opinion the more of these anti Islamic leaders like Nasrala like Sinwar and all other the Zionists have picked off the better for all Believers because I see them as a waste of time and efforts, what these anti Islamic leaders managed to ever do is first of all before anything for me this reason is my always starting point and that starts with these leaders have done nothing but make Islam look bad, which bothers me more than anything, the Islam I know would have done everything they have done completely differently, another reason I see this as a good thing is for their followers some of them not all of them because most of them are backward like their leader but for the few who are subject for reform and positive change to come in terms with by following these corrupt backward anti Islamic leaders they brought nothing but misery to their people, these leaders are not martyrs, these corrupt leaders are the ones who have corrupted the meaning of the word martyrs by applying it everyone and anything like the guy who went out to by bread and got over run by a car and now all of the sudden he is a martyr, they apply it to everything, they do this to give a meaning a false sense of meaning to something significant which is rarely the case, a martyr is (only) someone who God accepts as one not what you or I apply call ourselves, you are not God I am not so this means we are NOT in the position to even play around with that word but dont tell this to the Shia cult members and their so called party of god, because these people like any other cult followers they believe they were born martyr lol look you can believe anything you want it doesnt means that is the case, God has reminded you in the Holy Quran over and over again that as soon as you take the slightest thing of His for granted thats when you are lost, He even reminded you that dont be sure He even accepts your prayers just because you pray or give the impression you pray because the vast majority of you are hypocrites, He is telling you all this in His own words, so you think you are a good loyal party of god Shia cult member and fought and died against the Zionists another piece of work like yourself doesnt mean He will accept you, in fact my understanding is He will not, but who am I to say, all I keep reminding myself is, God doesnt need a criminal Shia cult to defend His honor to win Him victories He doesnt need hypocrites to make anything happen in His glorious name, another thing I remind myself is the conversation between Him and Eblis when He said to Eblis ' If any of them follows you Hell will I fill with you all' this should serve as a warning to all hypocrites to the corrupt Hell will He fill with you all, you have no clue what you are dealing with here, in your short stay here on this prison planet.
