‘Our enemy is one’: Ayatollah Khamenei

Listen carefully to what I am saying friends and trust my judgment, I have seen the hands of Satan hard at work in Iran within the IRGC and others of course in the power structure first hand, I have shared some of the things I have experienced there, I know there are also good people in the power structure who are aware of what is going on or semi aware of what is going on then we have the dumb downed cult followers who believe this Supreme Whore is man of God of some sort, but there once again I want to draw your attention to the fact that this man and his IRGC are NOT God fearing in any sense of the word, if you are a Believer I only have to present one simple evidence to prove to you what I am saying is true for you to say yes Amir speaks the truth, in the Holy Quran the Creator is in clear words telling everyone who is dealing with usury that they are waging a direct war against Him and that their fathers are Satan and they their children, today this Supreme Whore because thats what he is, this man and it started with the previous Supreme Whore Khomeini and his IRGC established the IRGC Bank, which they deal in usury, they are so satanic these Shia mollas that they even use the written word Allah as the symbol of their bank at all entrances, more I shouldnt have to tell you as Believers that these Shia mollas are indeed the children of Eblis, but let me in short tell you another story what these Shias tried to pull of with me years ago in fact 25 years ago first time I went to Iran after I was sold to the Luciferians in Sweden, these are the things you all should know of the character of the Shias in general, as many of you know in my youth I lives a sinful life, a life of an outlaw, a criminal with a long criminal record, a drug dealer, I am not taking pleasure in writing about this but this is the life the Luciferians in Sweden imposed on me through various of constant conspiracies to ruin my life and what can a little child do against the forces of absolute evil other than have God looking after him till its payback time, because of my back then a long criminal record as a twenty year old young man, when I took my first trip to Iran when I was about to thak the flight out at the airport at the checkin while I was waiting in the line a man came up to me and asked me if I could be pleace to take this luggage with me through the checkin because he couldnt whatever, I could see the man was very nervous, he barely looked me in the eyes he was in a hurry and generally he didnt belong there I thought, so I said to him sure leave your luggage here and I'll take it through with me, so he left there and basically ran out, I mean he left the luggage with such relief turned his back and ran out, I am not that naive either, I looked around and saw two officers observing me observing us, without even touching the bag the luggage I went to the two officers and told them someone wanted me to take this luggage through the security with me, I told them I havent touched it and that they should take a look at it, the reaction of these two officers was a bit off I thought because they told me to leave the luggage where it is and go on with my bussiness, I thought that is strange because it would be anything in that luggage from drugs to whatever and these two are so very cool and calm about it, I knew they were observing me and the other guy they were watching the whole thing and for some reason they didnt find it important to call for the other guy who ran away to be looked at or what is in the luggage or anything, they played it cool just tood there and just told me to move on, and so I did of course, what I come to realize is, it was a set up, and set up by whom, back then I couldnt put two and two togther, I thought some drug smugglers tried one on me to see if this guy would take the luggage with him or not, I didnt realize it was a much larger set up, a conspiracy, I then realized many others at higher ups must have been involved in this, and sure hell I was right, the Shia mollas and their satanic IRGC tried to set me up, they knew the drug smuggling accusation would sit well in court because of my long criminal record in Sweden which the same Luciferians had imposed on my life, so any judge wouldnt think twice not believing my story if I said I had nothing to do with it, I am telling these stories to you folks so you know the characters of these Shia mollas and their IRGC punks, and I also told you one of the closest advisers to Irans Supreme Whore was a total homosexual, the porn videos of him getting fucked in the ass was released in Pornhub and other sites, every single Iranians are aware of this scandal but you never hear it in the mainstream media anywhere, I am telling you folks, IRGC Hezbola ISIL all these cults are the nest of homosexuals and child molesters, this is a matter of fact people, they are all gays as hell, now getting more familiar with the characters of these crypto Luciferians within in the Shia mollas would you still say they are God fearing ?? I am not finished yet, in the coming days I will tell you more stories of these Shia human devils, things you need to know before you shill for these followers of Satan, because at the top they are, even Scriptures warned about this, I am also warning you about them, stay away from them, it will lead to no good, or do whatever you want and doom more people down with you, in the end there could be only one and it wont be these human devils, rest assured of that, you are supporting the wrong team.
