Who was Hasan Nasrallah and why was he loved? Roqayah Chamseddine

You people are pathetic cult following far leftie liars on the edge of being absolute morons, you say Nasrala was loved, by whom, the Iranians ? thats not the case, 95% or at most 90% of the Iranian people hated Nasrala, name more than a few Sunnis who liked him and his Shia terror cult except those of the Sunnis who shared your ignorance and thats not many I can tell you, I have and I speak for myself here, I have never met a Sunni who liked Nasrala and his Party of Satan which they are accused of all kinds of crimes from things ISIL did more I dont have to say, thats what the Party of Satan in Syria in Iraq in Lebanon in Iran are accused of, in fact I dont think you will find one single Sunni Iraqi who have anything positive to say about them, look I know I am speaking to empty shells with no souls here with you communist leaning bunch here who support this Party of Satan, this is because you are not able to see with all your eyes but one, this is the problem with you, God have no place in your calculations therefore you dont see what the rest of us see and how we view things, I am being very simplistic here for simplistic mindless shells of human beings like yourself, the fact that you dont want to look into all the crimes this Party of Satan are behind from the drug trade and so much of their corruption their massacres of civilians which is not religious in nature matters you godless people could in fact look into because its right there before your eyes for anyone to see, you disregard all that and from what we know only brainwashed cult followers behave in the matter you are, but it doesnt end there for you one eyed bunch, for us with a broader view which include the religious part too we not only take issue with all the secular crimes I brought up here we also take issue with the religious hypocrisy of this Party of Satan and his cult master Nasrala, like the name they chose for themselves, like any other imposters they took a verse from the Holy Quran which these Shias are mocking it is stated that God is saying this and I am paraphrasing here ' and whoever turns to God and His Messenger in friendship and those who believed they are the Party of God and will become victorious' what happened here is the Shias who pray to others than God also, they pray to their Imams to the Imans children to the grandchildren of their Imams these heretics with all kinds of heretical traditions which you godless communists have no care in the world for because spirituality is something reject, these Shia heretics like yourselves you commies what you have in common is behind the scene you are led by Satan this entity at least you godless commies mock others to believe exist, you are such blind arrogant fools you have no idea how this world is governed and you think your ideology will solve anything when you cant see before your own feets, we Believers we know better, we know why this imposter Shia luciferian cult took this verse out of the Holy Quran to make the dummies believe God is talking about this Shia so called "party of God" when we know these are imposters and an imposter is the worst kind there is, an imposter is a direct follower of Satan knowingly or not which include both you Shias and these commies shilling for you and lying how beloved Nasrala was when in fact 90% of the Islamic world alone hated him just as much as they hate the other imposters in the Zionist movement, we Believers know from Scriptures I must add that the Luciferians are behind both the Shia cult and the Zionists on the other hand, yes Scriptures has clearly mentioned this, both for the Christians and in the Islamic scriptures, yes for the Christians too if they dont mind understanding what the Book the Revelation is motioning there, I also must admit 90% or more whats written in that book is corrupted, there is much to say about that text but those who corrupted it they forgot to go fully out and distort everything, they left a few parts out they didnt knew what it was referring to and if they knew they surely would have changed the text there too but I let you figure out which part is referring to the fact that both Iran and the Synagog of Satan are run by the same Party of Satan, and the fact that we can see it today which was prophesied long ago is of great importance and if wasnt God would have made sure no sign no clue in any text of the prophecy would be left to be for those with interest to seek out and understand it, but again speaking of great matters of this level to a Godless communist is like speaking to a lifeless statue, but I am not only speaking to empty shells of human beings, I know there are others out there who agree with me because they know the basics of what I am saying is correct and thats at least 90% of the Muslim population and many other Believers who also can see the signs all the clues and have their trust in God over a bunch of criminals who have committed all kinds of crimes their enemies also have committed, the truth is not many liked Nasrala because we knew he fought for someone else and not for God and His party for the simple fact that the true Party of God are not hypocrites they are not criminals they dont commit ethnic cleansing they dont execute children like the Parties of Satan are accused of doing. 
