Faramarz Aslani - My all (to - تو)
I want to direct this to the anti Zionist advocates out there regardless your ethnicity and where you think you are resisting the Zionists from, I want to make this very clear because there is something you have missed in your efforts resisting Zionism, something you have missed miserably at that is you have missed the point of who hold the key to defeat the Zionist satanic movement, the Iranian people, they hold the key, and not once have any of you asked how the Iranian people are doing, not once I havent seen it at least, instead you cling to the Shia mollas the mortal enemies of the Iranian people and one of the most corrupt satan inspired cults religiously financially culturally you name it they are corrupt and looked down upon by God, the reason you have failed and failed and will continue to fail is because you phony anti Zionists have less than zero credibility and support from the Iranian people, the absolute only ones you hear from are the just a handful I say it again just a handful of the Parsi speaking Shia Iranian traitors agents of the mollas, other than these handful of Shia agents, you have no other support in fact I will go on to say the Iranian people hate you anti Zionists, trust me on this, 99% of Iranians are Trump supporters, they are so fed up with you phony anti Zionists they rather have the Zionists attack their country so they can get the opportunity to get back at their Shia molla oppressors, I swear to God this is true, they Iranian people who hold the key hates you anti Zionists for siding with their oppressors their mortal enemies over them who are suffering under these Shia mollas, for this reason you IDIOT anti Zionists will continue to fail and fail and God willing fail again, this is why Trump the Zionists he is is trying to make a deal with NOT the Iranian people but with their oppressors and I hope this so called fake peace deal will get signed because this will infuriate the Iranian people proving to them, the world have abandoned them completely, and this will only cause for you idiot anti Zionists to lose more and more ground with more and more wasted time but more importantly lose more ground with it what is left of your dignity, I say this again, if you dont get the Iranian people behind you who hold the key, the world is lost to the Devil and his human devil, we are already at that point as we speak if you havent noticed it, they keep selling you false hopes and promises while you willingly blindly hand over your your time in this world which will ensure all time lost for you in the next one because you didnt pay attention here to what is going on.
This is song is talking about that last hope of yours, get your Parsi speaking friend to translate it for you.
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