Field Trips to Genocide: Israeli Kids Watch And Cheer on Gaza’s Destruct...

I am telling you folks deep in there are no innocent people here in this conflict, some of you might have problems viewing it this way when you see the injustice by the stronger side here in this conflict and with the crimes against humanity they are committing but if you studied the Palestinian side and the active groups within them who do you see, you see communists you see nationalists you see religious extremists you see criminal gangs you see all kinds of crazies on the Palestinian side too, now the question is, if lets say the Palestinians would overturned their infortune being in the Zionists shoes, how would a world like that look like in your mind, I know how it would look like, CHAOS, CIVIL WAR, GENOCIDE  death and destructions within these Palestinians groups and anyone subjugated to them no doubt, these people these Palestinians would have turned the Holy Land into another ISIL lawless hell hole, I have no doubt in my mind this will be the outcome, peace will be the last thing you will have with all these groups I just mentioned, if you think these gangs will be able to sit down and talk things over, you have no idea what you are dealing with here, you can already see, these Palestinian gangs they dont even have mercy towards themselves when the need for law and order is what is needed more than anytime before, instead they loot and sell the aid back to their own at even higher prices than before the war, did Sinwar their hero the leader of their phony resistance issue orders for the aid to be fairly distributed no he did not, he didnt even bother making his gang followers take care of the people in a fair manner instead they did as usual the opposite, this is why God has punished them with the Zionists, another question, do you think if the situation was reversed do you think the Zionists would have treated their own like these Palestinians are treating theirs, of course not, just as the Zionists kids are cheering Palestinian civilians getting killed so are the Palestinian kids celebrating civilians getting killed in the occupied Holy Land  and if you say its not the same thing then you are not a Muslim, you dont follow the laws of warfare instructed to you in the Holy Quran, you are your usual hypocrite, God knows this and this is in my view He is backing off and letting this continue, so on the question is who is the worse, does it really matter anymore.  
