Hezbollah spokesman killed in Israeli strike on Beirut
Good riddance, do not be sorry for these Party of Satan criminal cult members, you are naive if you do, they are not the real resistance, they resist for completely other reasons than they say they do, trust me on this folks, the less of these the better.
Here is something I know many people who even say they believe in God have difficulties with, they say they believe in God at the same time they whitewash the corruption of those in their own tribes, if they think they are sophisticated they even apply it to other tribes they have allied themselves with, but do you think God makes excuses for anyone, do you think God will whitewash the corruption of anyone, look in the Torah and in the Holy Quran in the Gospels but to take the Jews for as a clear example He said to them He will favor the Children of Prophet Jacob (Israel) if they accept to be the ones who introduces the Laws of God to other people and will bless them, then He went to say if they would stray away from this promise they made He will increase their punishment seven times over, so if you non Jews get one punishment for a sin the Jews will get seven times more, this is in their own Torah, the jews are aware of what I am talking about, so what does this tell you, what I just reminded you of, that He doesnt whitewash any corruption for any of us, this is because the Lord will NEVER belittle Himself before even His subjects like the angels to anyone really not even before Himself for (anyone) that is called honor, this is why all glory belongs to Him, you get it, you get it you Shia cult followers, this means if you keep shilling for your Supreme Whore your Supreme Traitor for any reason you have offended your Lord, but brainwashed cult followers as you are I dont expect many of you realize your error, and to the Sunnis, you saw all of you we all have seen it your extremists yell God is great a minimum of thousand times a day and still look at them, where are they not, did God bless them or did He condemn them to their doom, you see when we say He doesnt need any of us understand what you are saying, its hard I know but try at least, the rules are the rules He doesnt bend or change it for anyone, He even warned His messengers if they commit even a minor sin they will be in trouble, now you have these Shias who pray to others than Him and you wonder why they are just so backward these Shias, its beyond belief, I also want to give you all great news too, the absolute end of Shiaism is just around the corner, soon you will see scores of them leaving that satan inspired cult, trust me on this, the end of the mollas not only them but their teachings is coming to a shutdown, a few of them who will continue to believe Satan is a good guy will continue to remain here and there but 95% of their followers will turn their backs on them Shia mollas and the luciferians amongst them, but the end of them is only years away, yes only years away, God willing :)
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