I Investigated the Country that Legalized All Drugs...
As long as you have powerful influential families benefiting from the illegal drug trade who are also in control of the intelligent services including governments you will never get close to fixing these problems, this is the truth of the matter.
The way to fix this is to ensure these families and their cronies dont make a penny from any of these drugs, this means you have to locally produce all these drugs domestically under strict government control and with (conditions) always with conditions its not like in the case of what they Jews claim God just gave the Holy Land to them because of their beautiful noses which they put in everyones business, no in all these cases when you give something to someone it comes with conditions and the condition here is yes you give out the drugs for free to these addicts first in limited amount, a normal daily dose whatever that might be I dont know but not so much they can kill themselves with but also enough so they can get satisfied, second condition is, you build a huge enclosed park outside town for them and only there they can roam free and if they get arrested with drugs on them outside that park they will not get their daily dose for a couple of days, they also have to register themselves as addicts anyone who wants free drugs young and old must register themselves as addicts, it doesnt have to be hard to implement these ideas the reason you never get any politician to go the whole distance is because they wont get donations from these powerful families who control the state apparatus, all your governments are run by criminal Luciferian families, actuial devil worshipers, not kidding here folks, dont be naive, this is the state of the world right now.
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