Israel Sets Its Sights On Iran, But Is Iran Secretly Holding Nukes?

Look this is very important to point out and you should take notice of and not believe something just because regime propagandists on either side put out there to see if the ignorant naive masses bait on it or not, ask yourselves this, have you seen (any) evidence of an attack on Iran by the Zionist regime, I man just (any) evidence, because I havent seen one single footage of anything but words by this or that regime agent, in fact the so called evidence we have been shown indicated that it was all a show, with AAA guns firing in the air trying to shoot down ballistic missiles, we didnt see any ballistics in the air and we didnt see any not one single explosion on the ground let alone "secondary" explosions like Molla Marandi pointed to in this interview, I say it again, we didnt see one single evidence that point to their side of the story, not one ! so now the question is what is going on here, what is going on in the world especially now that both sides are constantly lying also of each other, many things are not adding up here, way too many things are not adding up here, and another thing here, didnt the Shia molla regime said I dont know how many times actually that if the Zionist regime attacks Iran with their jets before those jets have the chance to fly back to their airfields the regime of the Shia mollas will have ballistics raining down on those airfields of the Zionist regime, and frankly thats what anyone would have done, you would make sure those jets that have attacked you have no place to land if you possess that many ballistics which the regime of the Shia mollas have in their arsenal, but the mollas never fired one single ballistics at the time of the attack or after the attack, again something is not adding up, because the best time to attack back is minutes after the attack on your facilities so that you have destroyed the enemys airfields so they have no place to land, again this is what the mollas have said I dont know how many times in the past when the Zionist regime threatened them, look friends I believe a third party is at play here which both the Zionist regime and the regime of the Shia mollas are taking notes of and respects, remember when the Zionist regime threatened to whack molla Ali Sistani of Najaf Iraq, the one Shia molla not even the Shia Iraqis have any respect for, what happened there, after Netanyahu in fact the whole Israeli media on both sides were told to not to repeat that I am sure you as I was impressed by the discipline of the Zionists and they not once again repeated to have molla Ali Sistani whacked again, thats the kind of discipline I am talking about, whoever told the whole Zionist entity to keep their mouths shut about that and what do you know thats what happened, the Zionist entity kept its mouth shut, so who have that kind of power over its Zionist entity, look what we know is Ali Sistani is very close to the Vatican, we also know the regime of the Shia mollas of occupied Iran is also very close to the Vatican, some say it was the Vatican who approved of having the Shia mollas to take over the management in Iran back in 1979, whatever happened then we know as a matter of fact the Shia mollas and the Vatican are close, very close fuck buddies, I am not saying this Pope is pulling the strings here, I think he is just a front man of something much more sinister going on, something satanic, you know my belief, if you have forgeot let me remind you of what crazy things I believe, I do believe there is this entity you know as Satan which we call Eblis, we are told thats his real name, Satan is a word coming from the word shaitan which mean the devil, I have no doubt this twisted character exist, I also believe his kind can shapeshift and with Eblis being the most powerful of his kind I am sure that little bastard can do more than just shapeshift, I do believe he have directly influenced all most influential people, I believe (all) world leaders are very cautious of him, most directly allied with him, in other words sold out to him out of fear, I also believe Eblis is for now at least very secure of his position with the grip he has over this world, I do believe he knows he is going to lose the grip but like many other lunatics he is thinking when he goes down he will take everyone else down with him but until then he feels very secure with the influence he have for now, I also believe Eblis is very active in the Vatican among other places, I do believe Eblis is walking the halls of the Vatican in person right now, I believe he comes and goes as he pleases there and people are fully aware of it and welcomes it, I also believe there is no actual conflicts between the east and the west and all these ideologies, as I have explained I do believe the war of Ukraine is to have it carved up between the west and Putin in a way that looks credible, look it like this because this will prove my point, pay close attention here to what I am about to say.
We know 911 was an inside job, if Putin and the US are actually mortal enemies, if you were Putin the Pimp of Moscow wouldnt the first thing you say to smear your adversary in this case the US tell the whole world that 911 was in fact an inside job, I know I would, but he didnt, for some reason Putin this Pimp Warrior dont dare to go there and touch upon this subject, why is that you think, what is he afraid of, you see my friends, this is what I am talking about, they are playing you not themselves, so ultimately in the future it will come down to this, you either go along and believe whatever they are making you to believe their side of the story or you will open your eyes and stop worshiping these all corrupt followers of Eblis, yes that included your dear leader too, right now we have two main groups here (they) want you to support, the west and the east, I am telling you not to take the bait, there is a third party out there of the unknowns, thats the Believers, the awakened Jews Christians Muslims and others but faith in God the Creator is the essential part of it and not in a hypocritical way, we have to create out own side here, and the first steps is to under no circumstances play the game of these two, in other words never ever take the side of the Luciferian uniparty of the so called west vs the east, we must encourage all to never participate in the game of voting or anything else they stand for, in other words whatever direction they are heading you go the other, we have to be stubborn that way and the only one we put our trust in is first God to open our minds and eyes towards the absolute truth in a fair manner which benefits all of mankind not just our own tribe, if you think of your own tribe your own religious group your own countrymen you have lost touch with reality, listen to me friends, there are no countries left, please understand that, the concept of actual borders and sovereign nations are long gone its just something politicians members of the club use to galvanize you to stay in the party of their choice, instead think as they do actually think we vs them, we the children of Adam vs the human devils and their followers, I am being very serious guys, you have to think like that or everything is lost, if you ask me I do believe we have lost the round in fact many rounds but not the battle because if we had lost the battle we wouldnt have been here, but we are.
