Netanyahu’s ‘regime cannot represent Judaism’, says Iran’s Javad Zarif i...

Old saying goes if you wanna know a man watch if he is well liked loved at home, or something in those lines, if those at home in the case of the Iranian people want you who cannot wait to see these Shia molla cult members sent to hell you know everything coming out of their mouths is poisonous, Zarif speaks of freedom respect for others and he even dare bringing up God when he is trying to poison your minds with his toxic spells on you, dont buy a word of this human devil, they all are, they are because they have been feeding their bellies with the blood of the Iranian people for him to now all of the sudden come and play nice look I trust the tears of a crocodile more than I trust his sweet talking, what is happening now is he and his Shia cult are getting very nervous after the Zionists taking them out one by one, Zarif know the Supreme Whore is dying with his place at play so he is trying to position himself in this phony Shia resistance where he think he find safety, I am telling you folks, Zarif does not speak for the Iranian people, he speaks for his Shia cult and their followers, he doesnt speak for the Iranian people who saved the Jews, Zarif speaks for the Shia cult out of Iraq, not Iran, a satan inspired Shia cult out of Iraq, understand this, this Shia cult have nothing to do with the blood family of our Prophet Mohammad whatsoever, it is strictly a Shia molla luciferian cult, they are only hiding behind the name of the late Imams, dont get confused here, these Shia mollas who I have explained for you believe Eblis is an angel an good innocent guy, this is the core of their Shia belief, I am of course not talking about the mainstream Shia belief, there are two versions, one for the ignorant masses and one for the initiated Shia mollas, those who run the country, those Zarif is part of, because if he wanst he wouldnt be an official of the unIslamic republic of Iran with all Haram crap they are behind of, none of which Zarif have ever talked about, so naturally he is full of crap, did you guys know there are actually scholars imprisoned in Iran for have exposing these Shia mollas doctrine and other corruption, yes a few good scholars are in prison as we speak for daring to bring up these issues I am talking about here, others have been put on noticed for speaking up yes not in jail, sliten I know if this with God stuff I constantly talk about is not of any importance for you I am sure you thing what is wrong with this guy but keep in mind while you idiots still shill for the likes of Zarif, he and his Shia cult have used these same arguments to not only imprison hundreds of thousands but murdered equally as many on the streets of Iran so spare me the hypocrisy you fucking free breathers, as I have said before the reason you phony anti Zionists have no support amongst the Iranian people whatsoever is because the Iranian people see through you, they know you have sided with their enemies over them these Shia mollas and their agents who half of them are either Iraqis or Lebanese or Yemenies anyone but actual Iranians, look at the Iranian MPs and their last names, more than half of them are of none Iranian origin, and I am talking about recent immigration take over, not Iranian Arabs, I am talking about Iraqis Lebanese and others who moved to Iran the past 45 years after the unIslamic takeover of Iran in 1979, did you folks know the mollas have introduced a policy for the tens of millions of illegal Afghans in Iran if they serve the Shia molla military for a couple of years they will get Iranian citizenship, I have informed you of when I went to Syria I saw nothing but Afghan kids thousands in line treated as cattle who were beaten with sticks insulted just how some treat cattle like sheeps at the lines of some war office there in Syria getting them ready to go and fight for the Shia mollas, I saw it with my own eyes, look folks the world is run by a bunch of absolute criminals, just get that through your heads, there are no good guys here, if you trust anyone in public office you truly are a damn fool, none of these can improve anything but only worsen the situation, please try to understand this, they cannot, they only make things worse and now people like Zarif are scared they are next to get whacked like the Party of Satan media guy earlier in the day, yes netanyahu is not representing Judaism just as these Shia molla scumbags do not represent Islam I showed you the other week how these Shia mollas in Iraq have industrialized prostetution and pedohilia with both little boys and girls in that documentary, you missed that or you wasnt paying attention ??

Uncovering Iraq's religious front for child prostitution   Iraq's Secret Sex Trade   Full Film

This is what Zarif is all about. 
