Punishing Russia - Real Reason for the Ukraine War w/Col Douglas Macgregor

I want to be politely critical here, why some are shilling for Putin as this sensible this highly regarded great leader is beyond me at least, well the answer is quite short, the man is corrupt as it comes, as it comes ! now I understand why American commentators say they shill perhaps they dont use the word shill but cover for Putin and Russia as this wonderful country this Christian country just because it is fashionable to use the word orthodox to describe your religious history when orthodox is anything the clerics of Russia are, they are like the Shia mollas of Iran like the Sunni clerics of Arabia all are government agents in other words they sold their souls these religious clerics to the highest bidder the finance sectors in their countries like the Christian Protestant clerics in the US have become so you see when you want to praise a nation and its people for the sake of God just leave Him out of it please, you are not doing yourself nor anyone else a favor but the corrupt bad guys which all these and I mean 98% of these political commentators are doing right now, just leave the word religion faith God all of it out of your commentary to describe nations and its people and not least their religious leaders because they are the biggest hypocrites of them all, someone like Putin the is not pretending to be a religious leader, he play the character of KGB nationalist which use any means at his disposal one is the Russian Orthodox Church, and other means as well, and when I see political commentators cover for someone like Putin as this man of peace I very strongly question the motive of these educated political commentators because Putin and anyone next to him if the souls were reversed with lets say the US he would have done the exact same thing, its not like the Soviets never did any of that, and if you reading this think the Soviets are gone or like the Third Reich Nazis are out of the picture or those behind them you need to examine if your head is not playing mind games with your butthole because it does, nothing in the playing field has changed but the names of the old characters, so if you think the US is bad or Europe is bad and done nasty things well how can you give any cover for some Soviets it just beyond me, just so you know, the Soviets take any win they can take from you, a win is a win for them and a loss is a loss for you, so a wiser person do not comment at all on these matters of at least do not give those who would like to see the country you live in ruins if they could, because again a win is a win for anyone so isnt it better for you to have more wins sort of speak than those who would like to see you down in the drain, well now there also something called a ballance game, sure you can be a giver at some places to calm things down but no so much that you lose so much that the other party take advantage of you because rest assured Putin likes nothing more than people constantly without ever criticizing him praising him, this is what you are doing wrong I think. 
Now those who think I am more sensible here you know what I say on matters like this, I say keep it simple, dont ever fully support a corrupt party anywhere, when they do something right give them credit and when they dont bring out to light and expose all their crimes because after all who should you fear most, your Maker when its time for you to answer some questions or risk falling out with these corrupt ones and their cult followers, the answer to it is in your character, who you want to be, one thing I can say and I say it because I do believe this outcome, I believe people will in time after they have suffered their mistakes will open their eyes and do the most right thing there is to do, we are not there yet but working towards it, its coming though.
