Religion is Evil | Bill Maher

When I yesterday explained to you all this fake Torah was inspired by Satan this is the result of his dark work you see with idiots like Bill Maher who are made to believe this is the word of the Creator, this is what Satan wanted to accomplish with infiltrating these religious texts, if you read the Holy Quran which people with no interest in knowledge but more in smearing and deceiving and generally being more interested in living a lawless life gets drawn to the words of Satan instead of the Creator, if people like Bill were actually interested in finding out if God is how He is portrayed in this fake Torah or not I am sure people like Bill have read many book in their lives they could have read the Holy Quran and see the contrast between these texts themselves but they will not and the reason they wont is because as I said they are more interested in living a lawless lifestyle than a sustainable one, the only time I can actually blame people like Bill is that they havent read the Holy Quran, I dont blame them much for reading this fake Torah and thinking if this is God this sinister and incompetent He is not worthy of being worshiped, I wouldnt either who in his right mind would have respect for such god as in this fake Torah, but as I have explained this is not the real Torah, this fake one was corrupted by those who like Bill rather live a lawless lifestyle as their dark lord Satan have said they could live if they wanted and they followed that instead of the ways of His messengers, this is the truth of the matter, Satan didnt end his conspiracies there, when Paul came around Satan went after him too to corrupt further the now followers of Jesus, I bet my life and I am not kidding here I bet everything I have Paul had a visit by Satan and Paul caved, I shouldnt call it caved because I think Satan knew of Pauls character how corrupt that man was, Satan knew all Paul needed was guidelines how to corrupt further then was instructed how to go about it.
In summary, I dont think religions are evil, I believe people behind religions are evil, I believe people like Bill Maher are actually evil people, I believe there is a sociopath hiding inside Bill Maher, I believe if Bill could kill someone and get away with it completely he would, I think he is that kind of person, and also, Islam is not a religion, some are trying to make it into one like the Shia mollas and some Sunni sects too but more so with the Shias, to be fully honest I dont even consider Shiaism Islam, when you pray to other entities other than the Creator its not Islam anymore, I consider Shiaism one of Satans viruses its harms people to have it around its very destructive, its very bad it shouldnt be here but it is unfortunately, for now not for long God willing. 
