Rick Spence: CIA, KGB, Illuminati, Secret Societies, Cults & Conspiracie...
Draw your own conclusion of this historian Rick Spence on why he is whitewashing every rumor about the Jews and secret societies out there, he is trying to sound as a neutral scholar on these matters but I found him hiding something, I think he is a disinfo agent, and btw dont believe all these rumors about the Jews said about them just read their Talmud their religious guideline of how a Jew should be and also look around you and the Jews in Israel, their national apartheid racist laws towards non Jews and also more importantly look how their young and elders to their politicians behave so arrogantly before the eyes of the world as if they dont care how people perceive them when they kill women and children and commit genocide, look at if they care what the world thinks of them or not, what you are witnessing with your own yes is what the Egyptians the Greeks the Persians the Romans the Germans the Polish people the Americans the French what anyone who had to deal with them in the fast till today have to say about them you are observing it with your own yes right now today, you dont need the testimonies of people before you, you have the proof right before you, you dont need these disinfo agents like Rick and Lex over here to tell you otherwise, you see how these people are conspiring all over the world wherever they are to corrupt the whole world today, back in the time they were only able to corrupt one nation at the time, today they have paid and bought everyone and the funny thing is with their own money not their own but with your money they brainwash you and your youth to become their loyal subservients doing the bidding of their new masters, again look folks dont take my word for it, read their Talmud yourself, forget about the Protocol of Elders of Zion and the plans for them to take over the whole world and the how to, read their Talmud its all you have to do to see what the Jews think of you none Jews, they dont just see you none Jews as inferior, they have gone many steps beyond that, they even say YOUR soul is from a dark realm while their soul is from a heavenly realm, I hope you understand what that means do you, tell that to Rick this stupid cult follower, look friends the Talmuds have already drawn the red line for all of you, dont take any Talmud as your friend, you are naive if you do, you are stupid if you do, as I said they dont just see your physical being as an animal they go as far to say your soul meaning your essence is from a shit hole of a place, these Talmuds may play polite with you Christians and others but rest assured behind your back at night in the mist of their own gatherings you have no idea what they really say about you these Talmudic human devils, just like the actual devils say the same thing about these idiot Talmudic human devils, the actual devils look down on them too just as the Talmuds look down on you, whoever you are, look I am only telling you the absolute truth of what is going on, I am not your enemy, if I was I wouldnt told you the truth, dont believe in the upside world they have created, if these Talmuds had their way you all would be in shackles make no mistake about that, every single of you even Rick would be, you would all serve them, most of your politicians already do and by extension you are too thats how you take over the world, by the heads of the snakes.
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