[Shock Poll]: Majority of Jews HATE Israel

I am going to be a bit critical here with what CJs arguments for and against, I think last week he ended his message in the video by saying if you have stood by the Palestinians God have secured your place in Paradise, I think this was his exact words, the lack of understanding on what God have stated on these matters by CJ is not different than lets say any other one who is trying to sell you a religion, what CJ said there is much like the Jews who think they are the chosen ones and the Holy Land that God (never ever) called Israel or Palestine or any other name is exclusively theirs, so we have these two opposing sides the Zionists which one branch is the Christian Evangelicals together with the Zionist Jews and on the other hand the Palestinians which both use their interpretation to justify their own crazy agenda, so naturally one is wrong or even both can be wrong, so which is it, I say both are wrong, I say God never ever promised anyone who sides with the Palestinians will be guaranteed a place in Paradise, to go out and even say that is very disrespectful towards God, I think, why do I and what do I base that on, first of all no such passages are mentioned in the Holy Quran, none whatsoever, on the contrary and the reason for this is although the Holy Quran was sent down 600 years after the Roman occupied the Holy Land and renamed it to Palestine, God still never used that when referring to that piece of land, He referred to it as the HoLy Land and the reason He did that is to make it clear for those with ears to hear and with common sense that that piece of land does not belong to one particular people, these are the things CJ and the fanatic pro Palestine people dont seems to understand, I know CJ act as if he is an intellectual on these matters and some of you share these ideas but in my opinion you are all wrong, and none of your ideas will never materialize, instead everything you say and do like with CJ calling Sinwar a hero and praising the Party of Satan and other Jihadi cults and any other crazies out there will only in fact is only leading to increasing misery of those CJ thinks he is looking after, this because he doesnt have the intellect to see what is what and what to do about it.

So what is the way the anti Zionist Jews to do, if you ask me I would say, do NOT support the Beast in the System in any national elections, lock elections is something else, so do not support any of the candidates they put before you, have self respect because these others have no respect for you, next step is to only speak for a free Holy Land, there is no such thing as Palestine or Israel, do not even use those words dont give credence to any of these you are not doing anyone but the Beast in the System a favor, be smart and do not help spread this confusion this illusion of a free Palestine or equally as bad as a two state solution or even a free and fair Israel, none of these will ever to be, so if you wanna be an anti Zionist thats just fine but do not wear a Palestinian flag dont mix with the free Palestine people, instead go your own way the way I just described to you, this way I just described is the sensible one, is the one with the better chance to materialize, do that and we will have peace in the Holy Land and peace in the Holy Land means the defeat of the Beast behind the System, globally ! you want world peace, do what I said here, its the only way I can think of would work.
