Sweden, Finland urge residents to be ready for war • FRANCE 24 English
I want to make this one thing very clear to all who have questions on their minds, this question I am about to say a few well chosen words about, I know for a fact there are those here in Sweden who wander around in the dark of the night spreading rumors that I hate I detest all the nasty words for Sweden thats what they are saying about me, they the actual human devils they are are saying other nasty things too in their gatherings, people have informed me of this who have been at these gatherings. I am informed of all these things, in these gatherings there are all kinds of people from all religions some are Shia some are Sunnis some Catholics Lutherans Jews some with no faith at all but what they all have in common is this hatred for me, none of that bothers me much like the little human devils they are I know despite what they say they are I know their loyalty is with the greater Satan, I have my God and they can keep to their dark lord and in the end we will see who will get where or not, I know also for the most part the actual Swedes who are in charge of these minor human devils are from the far right spectrum of politics, again I really dont care much and I know what the reason of them conspiering behind my back is all about so let me put their minds at ease, I have no meaning zero political ambitions in this country whatsoever, and I can prove it, those in the authorities who are following my every move here they know my Internet search history, they know last time I even searched for any Swedish news must have been years ago, I think it takes many years between me searching absolutely anything relating to Swedish news, look guys I swear to God, I dont even know who their prime minister is, can you believe that, I have no clue of anything going on in this country, sometimes people I meet ask me about if I have heard this news and when I say I havent they think either I am lying to them or I am just a dumb person, what I am telling you is if I was interested in what is going on in this country you would expect me to at least know who their prime minister is, I say this to again ease the minds of those who sees me as a threat to whatever they have in minds for this country, now having said all that I must go back to the first question if I hate this country or not, because this is what these little devils are saying behind my back, and its a valid question because after all I live here, at least for now, now why I was brought here to this country and all that is another topic altogether which i dont intend to go into for now because this topic is very complicated and complex, only one thing I will say about this topic before I jump to the question if I hate this country or not, I know for a fact I was brought to this country to destroy me, it wasnt much love involved in this, but much devilish conspiracies as a matter of fact, this much I can say, I have so much to say about this that if I did it wouldnt put Sweden in a good light, so I am saving my gun powder incase these human devils tires anything to give me a reason to spill it out in the open, but for now I am keeping it to myself to see how things develop here, now these human devils here they knew things would come down to this one day and this is why they thought they better try to destroy my reputation sooner to stay a few steps ahead, this much they have made it obvious, but again I know one of the major reasons for what they have done is to if I choose to do politics here they would already have ruined the chances for it, here is what they have got backwards these human devils, it is not I who will be kept behind if I didnt run for office here, they these human devils are the ones who will not benefit from it, so they have shot themselves in the foot by keeping me away, but like any other evil wicked human devils they always interpret things backward, so thats that, but they as I have said are lucky too in their own minds too, because I genuinely have no interest in running for office anywhere, not in Sweden in Iran in the US anywhere, this is because I know one has to kiss the Ring of Evil if you do and I am not turning towards evil by selling my soul to it, I personally never liked politicians I believe they are all corrupt every single one of them are, even the best of them are corrupt and hypocrites and I have no intent to sit next to any of them for a longer time if I dont have to, to be honest I dont like any religious leaders either, not one single one of them I know, the essence of my being will hurt actually feel pain every time I have sat next to one so much so that I just wanted to leave the place, its just too much bad energy around these people, its like one can feel the evil Jinns keeping them company and I have to sit there and get affected by the negative energy I am exposed to, naturally one would like to leave ASAP, I truly feel this way, in other words even if I was forced to because I couldnt be myself around these evil bastards I just cannot stay around for too long its like you are sitting there getting radiated and physically you have to leave, so there is no chance in a million I could do politics with politicians or be around religious leaders, I rather sit here and write my mind this way instead, now again back to the question if I hate this country or not, I should perhaps start with asking is it possible to hate a country as a country at all, just the country, not its people or some of its rulers, the answer is of course not, how can anyone in his right mind hate a whole country, if I would or hate a whole country if thats even is possible is Israel :) but I dont see Israel as a country, so i cannot hate it either, Israel is a military Zionist Luciferian outpost, its not a country, but do I hate its people, I think its safe to say from the statistics we have I would say 90% of its Jewish people are the worst people in human history, the worst of the worst, now do I feel the same about the Swedish people, you can believe what I am about to say or not its up to you but rest assured I do not lie, dont like lying, if you ask me what I think about the Swedes I will say i believe they are in my mind at least the best people in the world, Nr 1 people I have come across of, and I have been around seen things, my complain is very simple, I know as a matter of fact the Swedes are ruled by a bunch of Luciferian racist childmolesters, actual devil worshiping child molesters a dirty bunch of homosexuals, the Swedes are not aware of this but I am, but I dont hold this around the necks of the Swedes because I know the same Luciferian child molesters are in charge of Iran too, in fact in Russia in the US all around the world, it a luciferian international cult, these assholes have much influence with these low life politicians and law enforcement the intelligencia the money community all of it, so again I dont hold this against Sweden as a country or even the Swedes, they like many others have fallen ill of the same virus which have infected the whole world, but again if you ask me which people I like most hands down it has to be the Swedes, there are many reasons for this which I dont have to go all into right now but thats how I feel about the Swedes, and I can prove it, I can prove it to the intelligence services who keep track of everything I say and do anywhere.
When I was in Guam I was broke :) no money and I needed to repair my boat, at the slip next to me there was this rather nice sailboat and as sailors are they come around and ask about ones travels and stuff and this guy he looked well off an American guy in his 60ths came and we talked I told him about where I came from where I had been stuff like that and I asked him if he could be nice and get me a job because I needed money for the repairs and for foods and stuff, this man was so nice that he took me to the grocery store gave me 200 dollars to fill up with groceries, I told him I will pay him back as soon as I get a job and what do you know he said he knew this friends of his who had this firm where they were making stuff for the US military, concrete and welding stuff nothing secret stuff like that and that he will talk to this friend to get me a temporary work so I could save up for the repairs for my boat, after we did the croseries he told me Russia had attacked Ukraine, I wasnt aware of that because it happened the exact day after I left Hawaii, two months earlier, it took two months to get from Hawaii to Guam, and he said Putin had suffered many losses in his attempt to take Kiev, we ere sitting in the car on our way back when he told me this, the way I perceived him that sure he was a military contractor meaning he could be an former agent and we know there is no thing as a former government agent, I knew that while I saw listening to him, then the question of if Sweden will join Nato or not came up, because two months had passed with Putin attacking Ukraine, for two months the question of if Sweden would join Nato was on the mouth in the news and this guy asked me how I felt about it, and this is how much I love Sweden I want to tell you, I knew if I didnt agree with him because sure this guy was very much for Sweden joining Nato, he was one of those pro Nato guys, I knew if I didnt agree with him I would risk losing the promise of the job he had promised me and not only that because he was an agent the military which is in charge of Quam it wouldnt sit well with them either, I knew what I could lose if I played a hypocrite and agreed with the agenda there, my answer to his questions was, I didnt want to see Sweden joining Nato under any circumstances, as soon as I said that the guy was driving the car politely turned his head to me and asked why I felt that, I knew he wouldnt understand what I was going to tell him yet I said, 200 years of peace have served Sweden well, he the warmonger he was I knew again there is no chance for him to understand what the meaning of what I said could mean, because he never experienced peace, he only knew of war, I am not saying the man was evil or something, if he was he wouldnt be so kind to reach out to get me groceries to offer me help with the repairs for my boat to help me get a job although I didnt have work permit which he could take care of, he was a stand up man as far as I am concerned, a good man, but a man who have never experienced peace that was the only difference and I knew if I had departed on the issue of Sweden joining Nato our relations would most likely end there, something I desperately didnt need of because I not only needed that job but also the workshop he had access to for the repairs, but I had to stay true to what I believe so I said what he didnt want to hear, and sure after that every time he passed my boat he didnt even look at me ever again, but God introduced me to other nice people and things worked out, I got another job saved for repairs and ended up in a gulag in the Philippines for a whole year :) thats how some conspire to get you in trouble wherever you go, my time till come too so I am not worried at all.
Now why would anyone desperate need of assistance me in that situation who could turn everything around in my favor still go up against what 99,99% of you would if you were in my shoes not do and take my chances that way instead, does it sound as if I hate Sweden now or not. the reason I am telling you this which everything I just wrote is is 100% true all of it is not to take the words of these human devils in charge of this country, now you might ask yourself why wouldnt you want to get politically active here when you say you love this people, the answer to this is, I have come not to love anyone people enough to do more than I am already doing, another reason is, I dont see any real hope for mankind as it stands, I really dont, I would rather plug of this show of our stay on this planet gets pulled by the Creator and teach all of you a good lesson of who is the owner of this not only planet but everything else for that matter, people have misbehaved for too long and a lesson has to be taught to all, this is truly how I feel, but what can you say about the patience of God which stands there like a lonely mountain where we cannot see the other side of we can only trust the right decision will be made, anyway I am done writing for today :)
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