War of narratives: Hezbollah and Israel accused of using propaganda

I have painted you the picture of how all this is going to end havent I, I'll do it again not because I take pleasure in it because its true and the truth hurts something you need to get over this is the real world as real as real can be so you have to deal with the cards given to you and unfortunately its not looking good for you and its going to get lot worse, look friends I rather sell you glitter and hope and of the nicer things but it would be not so of me to sell you false hopes either its just not me personally I hate the fearmongers myself despises them when they get out there to sell fear for their own benefit, so let me give you some of what will happen in the near future short term, the so called Palestinians are absolutely screwed, I want to say fucked but I want to be polite about things, if you thought they had it tough before the Zionists started to hammer them a year ago you havent seen anything yet, Gaza is gone, so will the West Bank after that the Party of Satan in Lebanon will make a deal with the Zionists and withdraw from the conflict as if nothing had happened with their tails in their butts because they are homosexuals many of the Party of Satan are homos, they have a minimum of 20% homos in their ranks you should know that and stop being naive about things, the same is with the Shia IRGC and not to speak about the Shia mollas themselves, not only do they believe Satan is a good guy the same amount of child molesters within Christian and Jewish denominations the Shia mollas you could have even more there, I informed you about the closest adviser of Irans Supreme Whore who is a total homo and his video where he was fucking another faggot in the ass got out, look it up or dont its disgusting, you dont want that image in your head, I had to take a second or two of the video with the sound muted very quickly to see if that was the face to verify the rumor and quickly turned it off, I took the blow so you dont have to you can trust me on what I am saying, they are all faggots in that Shia religious satanic cult they have going on over there, and you think God will bless these faggots and these criminals, if you think that you need to get do some soul searching to determine in what camp you really belong with the hypocrites and the corrupt or the other side which wont budge an inch wont back down no matter what will continue tell it like it is and whatever outcome God goes with is just fine with at least me, in His being all wise we except any outcome with pleasure, now do you think these criminals I just mentioned have this mindset, I can tell you something to save you some time, regardless what they say they have sold they have traded this world with the next one, make no mistake of this guys, this is the bottom line of it all, because if they feared their Lord they would never done a fraction of the things they have done, get this through you head sooner, what you are seeing is a turf war between criminal entities and they have tricked you to take either of sided to legitimate their dark agenda, now going back to what will happen in the near future, as I said the Party of Satan will make a deal with the Zionists and the skirmishes will end there between them, Gaza is swallowed up, the Palestinians will be forced in a much smaller concentration camp in the south of Gaza and the Zionists will wave the victory flag, now the question you should ask yourselves, what good did Sinwar and Nasrala and the Shia mollas who pushed them to act in this way brought these stupid Palestinians, because in any war any conflict in any even game like monopoly you want to end up winning something isnt that so, now you lost more of lest the whole game, and this is because you took the advise of some of the most corrupt criminal shia mollas out there, look their own people hate them to the point they want to hang every single one of them and their enablers and you morons thought it would be a good idea to take what they offered you with their bloody dirty hands, you truly are a bunch of idiots, sorry to say but you are, and you thought what, what miracle you think has to happen for you to get yourselves out of this, tell me because I would like to know, btw, dont write any comments on this channel, I dont like it, whatever you think have to be said do it between yourselves, and speaking of miracles, the one you need is like something so extraordinary I dont want to say it cant be done because God can do anything the only questing in my mind is, why would God reach out to those who instead of reaching out to Him always took the hand of Satan and his followers, I think the only way to reverse this is a total reverse of mindset collectively, I cant think of anything else myself, the God I know only is merciful towards those not with the strongest belief but clear enough to see whos hand is cleaner than his opponent and choose that hand, but for now I dont see anything improving, its going to get a whole lot worse, sorry to say. 
