Albert Pike States in Morals and Dogma Page 321 that Satan is the light ...
As you can see this is the real religion the real belief of the Freemasons, they worship Satan whom they call Lucifer the so called light bearer when Satan is actually the bearer of everything dark and wicked, as i have asked you before, have you ever met a Freemason who wasnt corrupt because I havent, here is a short story when the authorities in Philippines kidnapped me in Manila, as soon as we entered the Bureau of Immigration office in Manila the first thing I noticed was Freemasonic signs all over the place, I am not just talking about painting of pyramids I am talking about their squeres and compases on the walls, to be honest I never anywhere did I see so in your face Freemasonic signs in public offences anywhere in the world but in Philippines its all over the place, in any rate, we entered the building and on the third floor I saw homosexual flags on each and every computer monitor, I didnt see one without, right there I thought I am crewed, I have entered the temple of the wicked Freemasonic sodomites, then I was taken to the office of the grand prosecutor a real arrogant prostitute of a bitch, and in her office she proudly displayed her Freemasonic items on the wall on her damn desk, may the curse of God be upon her, she should be executed for ruing so many lives and I will tell you more why, this bitch is the one you either bribe or she will send you to one of their gulags for years if you are a foreigner there, in my case someone had already bribed her and her bosses to have me in their gulag of exactly 364 days, all that said, then took me to Bicutan Gulag, and this is what I want to say about their Freemasonic guards because after all I had a whole year of interaction with them so I noticed a thing or two, I would say a minimum of 50% of the guards in Bicutan Gulag were openly Freemasons, how do I know this, well they were wearing this huge Freemasonic ring with the square and the compass on, here is the thing I want to get out there, without exception all the Freemasonic guards that included the warden they were the most sadistic most corrupt most evil of the guards, you have to bribe them to even get you water, absolutely everything had to be paid for, the other guards who were not Freemasons they were actually well they tried to be more humane but these Freemasonic ones they are real human devils, these are the things I need you to know, if you join any of these satanic cults, you have then sold your soul to the actual devil, you will slowly but surely become corrupt and soon after a human devil, nothing good have ever come of these human devils, listen to me friends, these Freemasons are all united in their evil, know this and dont ever doubt it, they worship Satan what more do you need to know about them, they are destructive in their nature, and their wicked nature is about to cause global harm more than you are seeing with your own eyes, if you have eyes to see because I fear most of you dont mind practicing dishonesty so you will overlook their corruption.
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