Albert Pike's 3 World Wars

Having known the twisted character of one Freemason you have known them all, as you know already all Freemasons do believe in the afterlife, 100% all of them do otherwise they wouldnt be allowed to become a Freemason, they also believe God and Satan exist, its just that all of them chose to be on the side of Satan instead of the One who is in charge of where to send these creatures, to Hell or Paradise, yet these little monkeys chose to join their little powerless dark lord Satan in Hell, there they believe they will chill and kick it with their dark lord Satan as long as they as Albert Pike become Clansman by persecuting the blacks, burning crosses in pyjamas being fully homosexual because all these Satanists are faggots also child molesters anything that is supposed to be unholy they are, you see this is what keep surprises me, I know the answer to it but it keeps baffle me playing pingpong in my mind just because I ask myself how twisted do you have to be when many of these Freemasons are not precisely dumb people at least someone like Albert Pike we are told he was an intelligent person yet his mind couldnt understand even simple concepts like, in the afterlife which he believed in and rightly so, the good and evil will be separated by the Creator which is the one and only supreme power whose will and word is LAW, Pike knew he will never be allowed to even perhaps see the gates of Paradise, he purposefully sought to enter Hell instead, what again baffles me is, an intelligent monkey like Pike knows Hell will be chaotic, it has to be, there is no law and order there, it simply couldnt be because all chaotic people are gathered there, it possibly couldnt be a moment of rest there, not when the place is governed by chaos, forget about you being burnt and all that, lets say the burning is not real, Hell is just a place where all the sick and chaotic people roam and you cant die there, you cant kill and get rid of people there, what remains is a world of disorder violence a place you cant trust another soul a place you have to look behind your back all the time and at best you have to close yourself off behind walls or the crazy masses will get to you if you have something they want, and so this life of chaos will continue for ever and ever, now the followers of Satan think Satan will shield them there if they are really wicked here, that Satan this so called boss of Hell which he is not really, because someone as wicked as Satan will suffer more than anyone in Hell because he will have the focus of God for all the sins he has been behind so naturally God and His angels will focus on Satan more than anyone else, in fact I wouldnt want to be anywhere close to that dude in Hell thats for damn sure, but no the satanists like Pike believe everything will be party over there, no chaos no pain of any sort and no discomfort, ohh really no discomfort with all the crazy people in the world all gathered in one and the same place, so an intelligent monkey like Pike and others dumber than he thinks where chaos is the norm this is somehow a place to vacation at, again I said I know the answer to this question, the answer is their twisted evil corrupt character have simply blinded them, you can have the highest IQ in the world yet be a blind person who risk falling in the pit and be gone forever, now if this is the chrematistics of the Grand Gringo of the Freemasons you can just imagine what kind of corrupt loonies the rest of them are.
