Is Christmas PAGAN? - Mar Mari Emmanuel

I like the fact that he starts with saying he is not a Christian but a follower of the Christ, what he is saying is, he knows how this new religions started by whom and the pegan backstory behind it, this means Mr Emanuel is trying to get back on the right track, why he then backtrack on other issues like as you hears he knows the origin of this also pegan tradition christmas and he even spoke about the origin of the cross, all pegan, knowing all this that both the symbols and the traditions of this christianity comes from all pegan origins whats left of it to be recognized as something not pegan, not much, it seems all of it more or less if of pegan origin, and not least when you dig in on who Paul was too, this inventor of this new religion a pegan himself, I wouldnt even call Paul someone who converted away from his former peganism, because who popularized the concept of three gods in one god, Paul of course, the trinity is also a pegan tradition or concept, the point is when you step back and analyze if christianity this new religion resembles anything even close to what Jesus was and taught these two religious concepts have absolutely nothing in common whatsoever, so any one with his right mind in times of massive confusion would say, to be on the safe side I rather jump back to Judaism over this new thing Paul was preaching, thats what I would have done, and for you out there in case you are wondering, you know me, I have pointed out many contradictions in the Torah but let me tell you one thing if its worth heeding, YOU have much greater chance to enter Heaven if you go with NOT Judaism because Judaism includes the Talmud which is commentary of what he said she said, I am not interested in what some corrupted rabbis have to say about anything, if I am interested I go to the source which is Torah or even the Tanakh which I have explained the massive contradictions in but its still a million times better than the Talmud and whatever else this man made religion Judaism is all about nowadays, so if you are a Christian, I agree with Mr Emanuel, dont say you are a Christian after everything you have learned here, instead say you are a follower of the Jesus and if you really mean it then do what he did how difficult is it, you know by now Paul is the one behind all the confusion, he brought peganism into this new following, I understand why Mr Emanuel cannot distance himself fully from Paul because if he did his whole everything he stands for will also fall, thats why you hear him here say he is willing to compromise with these pegan traditions in his religion, now the question is, you think Jesus would approve of all of this or not, I let your own intellect answer that, again we all walk our own paths you are responsible for yours and I for mine, I say do not compromise.   
